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August 14, 2018
Kurt Schlichter: NeverTrumpers Don't Hate Trump. Primarily They Hate You.
The recent utterly unsurprising utter capitulation by the Fredocons to the SJW/tech/media campaign to deplatform and silence any right-wing voice who is not trying to sell you a cruise cabin is a symptom of a bigger problem. It's not a symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome, though Trump has utterly deranged these pointy-headed geeks. It is a symptom of Conservative, Inc.’s contempt for you.
The dethroned conservagimps are angry with you. Donald Trump is not really the issue. He's just a convenient target for those these establishment sissies. They truly despise you.
They hate you because you refuse to honor and respect them, to validate their cheesy status within the Beltway hierarchy, and to acknowledge them as your betters. Your pig-headed uppityness has disrupted their scam. The old paradigm, the model of go-along/get-along and feed the crackers out there in America articles about lib outrages to keep them writing checks, no longer cuts it. You've stripped them of their status by holding them accountable for their failure to fight for conservatism, and for us.
And it is such a pathetic status -- maybe they are fighting so hard because the stakes are so low. For some, it’s a mention on the masthead of an anorexically thin magazine that now publishes only because some zillionaire keeps handing its boss wads of cash, the actual subscribers to the cruise-shilling brochure having abandoned ship after the seven hundredth "Trump Is Icky!" expose. For others, it's the chance to be the nominal conservative voice on Morning Joe...
Then there are those lucky few who get the "Here, boy!" to come live inside the house, collared and lying at the feet of their masters by the fire. What's horrifying is that this is their dream, their sad, sad dream....
For decades, they fed us articles, columns, and books about the left's campaign to muzzle the right, but suddenly Conservative, Inc., has discovered that it is all for muzzling of what it deems the wrong people on the right. And the best part is this revelation comes after nearly three years of their non-stop lectures about principles. Their only principle is themselves.
Read it. Learn it. Live it.
Oh, and be sure to look for Militant Normals at Amazon or bookstores where conservative books aren't censored.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:29 PM
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