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August 07, 2018
The NFL Has Figured Out How to Woo Back Its Disaffected Former Conservative Audience: Male Cheerleaders
Yas slay kween and all that.
Male cheerleaders aren't exactly exotic -- most college teams have male cheerleaders.
But most men on college cheer teams are gymnast-types whose main function is to support human pyramids and throw 100 pound girls frighteningly high into the air. They also do some tumbling.
Not so much dancing.
These cheerleaders do not see to be that kind of cheerleader: they're called "dancers," and it looks like they'll be of the dancing type, not the hurling-women-into-the-air type.
So: Yay.
BTW, I remind you of the French Rule: It is perfectly acceptable for leftwing political groups to endlessly lobby and pressure the NFL into being more... sexually nebulous than it has previously been.
But if you, Dear Ruffians, issue even a single negative statement about this decision or about the leftwing lobbying that preceded it, you are an Enemy of the First Amendment and a Cruel Bully who beats up poor defenseless corporations to advance your weird political agenda.
Pressuring corporations is a tactic permitted only to the left. Members of the right are obligated to believe and heed every pronouncement of a Corporation as if it is an issuance of doctrine from the church (whatever church you hold dear).

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:08 PM
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