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August 07, 2018
Lawyer for Russian Businessman Suing BuzzFeed for "Dossier" Defamation Agrees to Give Chuck Grassley the Videotape of Christopher Steele's Sworn Deposition
I'm sure that the Democrats and NeverTrumpers (but I repeat myself) calling for full transparency will celebrate this.
Christopher Steele dodged all requests to meet with Congress about his dossier.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley found a solution.
Lawyers for a Russian businessman suing over the dossier have agreed to provide Grassley with a deposition Steele gave in June.
A lawyer for a Russian businessman suing BuzzFeed News over the infamous Steele dossier says he will provide the Senate with a video of a deposition that Christopher Steele, the document’s author, gave as part of the BuzzFeed lawsuit in June.
Also: Devin Nunes says the documents he's received concerning Carter Page are exculpatory and should have been included with the FISA application.
Remember, the FISA application is an ex parte affair -- only one party comes before the judge, the government. There is no opposing counsel to present competing evidence.
I can't find rules to guide prosecutors' ethical decisions, but I imagine that withholding exculpatory evidence from a judge, knowing that the judge will only see your brief and no others, would constitute a fraud on the court.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:41 PM
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