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August 03, 2018
But Maybe It Was Just a Satirical Attack
...and an attempt at "counter-trolling."
If, as the Washington Post's Experts on Expertise tell us, it is impossible for a nonwhite person to be racist against whites, does that also mean (which it must) that it is impossible for a nonwhite person to commit a hate crime?
And if nonwhite people now have license to commit racial attacks at will (without being charged for the racial hate component of the attack), is it really "white supremacy" we have to fear?
Seems like the people who have the actual officially-sanctioned supremacy are nonwhites.
Perhaps nonwhite supremacy should be a topic of debate, so we can vote on this proposition before progressives enact it more fully into law, as they usually do, by avoiding any debate on it and simply asserting it in the media and lawsuits until it's the official law of the land?

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:39 PM
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