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August 03, 2018
Report: Dianne Feinstein's Aide of 20 Years Is a Chinese Spy
Via Steven Green at Instapundit, Collusion.
A new report from the San Francisco Chronicle says a longtime former staffer for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) was reportedly acting as a spy for the Chinese government.
When did Feinstein learn about the FBI investigation of her driver?
Five years ago, the FBI informed Feinstein that her personal driver was being investigated on charges of espionage.
"Dianne was mortified," an anonymous source told the Chronicle.
The driver had been employed by Feinstein for 20 years. He also acted as a gofer in the senator’s office in San Francisco and as a liaison to the Asian-American community. In this role, he attended multiple Chinese Consulate functions on the senator's behalf.
According to reports, the staffer may not have even known that he had been recruited by the Chinese government. While on a visit to Asia to see family, someone connected to the People's Republic of China's Ministry of State Security (China’s intelligence agency) befriended the driver. This contact then used this connection to gather information.
"He didn't even know what was happening," the anonymous source told the Chronicle. "He just thought it was some friend."

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:45 PM
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