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August 02, 2018
Are You Ready for Some ONT?
So, the new NFL season kicked off with its first preseason game tonight. Does anybody care?
Medieval manuscript from King Alfred
The article notes that the Latin is atrocious. Of course I noticed this right away. :roll: The nature of the mistakes can be funny, however:
For example, he tried to warn that anyone who contravened the terms of this sale would have to ‘give his account before the Lord’ (coram Deo … rationem reddere). However, he instead wrote ‘sciad se rectum redditurum coram a Deo’, which could be uncharitably interpreted as ‘render his bottom/intestine before God’.
Related:Did Medieval Artists See Real Dinosaurs?
The author of this article draws all sorts of conclusions from the carving, but I do have to say, they look like dinosaurs to me. What does that mean? * shrug * Nuthin', probably.
Bitches Be Crazy
Idiot of the Week
Racist words blow back on man, family and business
So this rocket surgeon follows a guy home and starts berating him using the N word, so the guy pulls out his phone and films him......getting out of his work truck with his name and phone number on the side. Film goes viral and instant karma strikes. Whatta maroon.
A Smart Military Blog
Unmasking The F-15X, Boeing's F-15C/D Eagle Replacement Fighter
Frankly-and this is just my opinion, mind you, I may turn out to be wrong- I think 5th gen fighters are a waste of money. In another decade or two it'll all be drones once they solve the coms problem. Even if a manned fighter is superior in combat to a drone (which it may not be, a drone can pull many more Gs than a manned fighter), is it better than 10? 20? 50? or whatever number can be produced for the same money? Every time you lose a drone, the pilot simply connects to another one and he's back in business. Every time you lose a manned fighter, you lose not just the aircraft, but the time and cost of training the pilot too. That seems to me to be a losing proposition.
Go Doggo, Go!
The Shitty by the Bay
San Francisco loft has diagonal support beam that cuts through the middle of the kitchen
Cost of this posh pad? $1 MEEELLION dollars.
Proposed SF law could force tech workers to actually go out for lunch
This is actually a great example of people trying to make government force others to patronize their establishments. It's also anti-competitive. A manager in my company realized that he was losing 60 work-hours a day in his office as people went out to lunch, so he decided to cater lunch every day. The increase in productivity far outweighed the cost.
'I wish I'd aborted the son I've spent 47 years caring for': It's a shocking admission - but read on before you judge
I did read on. And I am judging. This is a hateful woman. You think your son doesn't know that you feel this way? It's wrong, but I sincerely wish her nothing but pain, anguish and unending agony. If I could, I'd light every pain receptor in her body on fire, and make her live to 1000.
I don't know enough about the Catholic Church to know if this is possible as presented, but it sounds plausible.
Tonight's ONT brought to you by assault revolvers:
The Yahoo Group has an assault mace.

posted by WeirdDave at
09:46 PM
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