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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (7/25/18 ) Customer Appreciation Night Errrr Edition »
July 25, 2018
Media Shitbird to Facebook Exec: Say, How Come You Guys Don't Censor Fox News For Being Such Big, Fat Liars? [Warden]
That's right, the same pompous, self righteous media members who wail, gnash their teeth and assert that Donald Trump is trampling their sacred freedom of speech by calling them "fake news" want to know why Facebook doesn't go ahead and censor Faux News for all their lying, perfidious dishonesty.
Reporter: One of the most prominent organizations you're working with is Fox News, and they're sort of incorrigible about proliferating a lot of misinformation. Can you speak to your reasoning behind that? Why would you want to work with an organization like that when, as you said, you're trying to limit the spread of false information?
At this, Rick Van Veen, head of global creative strategy at Facebook, jumped in: "Yeah, well, given that we have limited time. I'd like to keep it-- Fidji and I don't lead the news organization. Campbell Brown leads that…"
Another reporter in the background: Answer the question!
'We have limited time --"
Another reporter: We'll give you time!
While Facebook execs tried to sidestep the question, they assured our fearless defenders of (their own) free speech in the media that outlets like Infowars have their distribution limited when their audience tells them that Infowars is lying.
So what we're trying to do is make it so that if you are saying something that’s untrue on Facebook-- you're allowed to say it as long as you're an authentic person and you adhere to our community standards-- but we're trying to make it so it doesn't get that much distribution .… We don't always get it right, as you can imagine, it's very complicated, but that's sort of our principle for dealing with information."
Reporter: How do you limit distribution?
"When we have something that we think — that a fact checker has told is probably not true, or a lot of our audience is telling us is not true, we just limit distribution.
So they're basically empowering the SJW mob to shut out content simply by howling that it's not true.
Facebook stock is down 25% in a single session, by the way, due a huge drop in user activity. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em right in the turd cutter.

posted by Open Blogger at
09:03 PM
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