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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
July 25, 2018
The Morning Report 7/25/18
Good morning kids. Middle of the week and the big, groundbreaking, earth-shattering, surefire rhetorical (or otherwise) kill shot that will absolutely destroy President Trump was revealed last night. Oh noes! Then citizen Trump was caught on tape talking to his lawyer, Michael Cohen, about paying some Playboy centerfold to keep quiet about the affair they had - in 2006. Both Rudy Giuliani and I believe Alan Dershowitz have stated this to be a nothing-burger. But that didn't stop Lanny Davis, who is now Cohen's mouthpiece from smearing both Giuliani and PDT, stating only mobsters and drug dealers make cash payoffs, or some such drivel. Coming from a longtime consigliere to two of the most loathsome, corrupt individuals to ever infect American political discourse, one a predatory rapist and the other a power-mad dipsomaniac and both goniffs who enriched themselves off the backs, futures and security of the American people, that's rich (as in Seth). In any case, you know who else dealt in cash payoffs? I wouldn't be talking about them being the SOP of criminals, mobsters and drug dealers considering the billions of palletized bills looted from the US Treasury and drop-shipped in secrecy to the world's leading exporter of terrorism and destabilization by you-know-who. Let's have that discussion out loud and proud, okay Lanny? I'm right here.
Meanwhile, as Lanny Davis and the rest of the Democrat-Media Complex await Steiner, in Mueller Witch Hunt/Obamagate news, Devin Nunes is calling for the intel agencies to completely declassify the Russia hacking report (I wouldn't hold my breath), the administration talk of revoking security clearances for the big Deep State traitors omits Hillary Clinton from that list (why?), the Left's desperate attempt to label this Maria Buttina dame as Alger Hiss (say, what?) and Richard Burr is a complete buffoon who needs to be primaried at the earliest opportunity.
On the Immigration/Amnesty front, heartening news that the Feds are starting to ramp up the crackdown on employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens, 1,600 more separated families have been reunited ahead of the legal deadline, Snoozy McSnoozerson said some good things in his sleep, to wit the DoJ will only refer to illegal aliens officially as "illegal aliens, and Andrew Cummo has freed several more illegal alien criminals so as to thwart efforts to deport them. One of them is a real winner, and all will be voting in November. I'd laugh if they all voted for Dickless Nixon. Even if he pardoned them, he doesn't have the authority to confer citizenship since border jumping is a Federal offense. Legal beagles weigh in please.
And downstream of this is the political scene. Yesterday, the President caused Leftists' heads to explode with one Tweet that utterly destroys their strategy for when they will no doubt lose in November. He said he was afraid of Russian meddling in the Midterms and that they were doing it to help the Dems. Gold, Jerry! Elsewhere more Dems are stepping forward to state they will not support Nancy Palsi in her bid to clatter her dentures, Cory Booker among others used the Bible to slam those who disagree with his opposition to Brett Kavanaugh, PDT-backed candidate Kemp handily won a primary runoff for the Georgia governor's race, Claire McAsskill made a whoopsie, Dems desperate for votes offered down a watered down Trump economic plan "for the people," Tom Steyer is wasting his money (good) and that schmuck Don Blankenship is intending to act as a spoiler in West Virginia and prevent an easy GOP Senate win and preserve Joe's Man-Chin. Someone "talk" to this paskudnyak.
On the foreign affairs front, Mitch McCoCBrother and Paul Ryno are leading the charge to sabotage the President's foreign policy aims by announcing their intention to try and block Vladimir Putin's visit to the Capitol. Look, I get it. The guy's a thug. But far worse people have come here and those two tits never said boo. And it only adds to the false narrative of Putin-Trump collusion. I hate them, Gorsuch/Kavanaugh or not. Then again, there are some troubling reports of Russian hackers working to screw up our electrical grid. US airlines are bending over for the Chi-Coms, Congress has blocked F-35 sales to Turkey, Syria is caught between Iraq and a hard place, Iran is in deep doo-doo, and Daniel Greenfield on Israel's official declaration of being a Jewish State. At least the weather will always be perfect, right? Lastly, Canada is doing all it can to deny the Toronto Islamist terrorist was an Islamist terrorist and a US citizen of Dearbornian extraction captured fighting for ISIS will come back to the US to face justice. I rather he faced a firing squad in the field.
Domestically, the White House is prepping a $12 billion bailout for farmers who are on the wrong end of a trade war (I sense a healthy debate in the comments), Nancy Palsi hates children and faith-based adoption agencies, the government has no idea how much it's spending, the Dems continue pimping Medicare fur alles much to the detriment of those they claim to represent, the enviro-luddites are trying to sabotage Hurricane Sandy measures and two stories on the continued hawking of Socialism. Actually Meghan McCain schooled Joy Blowhard who was all in favor of it. She should only move to Caracas and live in the barrio as a regular stiff. For the people.
From hither and yon, a frightening look at the subject that dare not be spoken, Black crime, "thin privilege" is a thing, the NY Slimes bitterly clings to Mattress Girl bedbug Emma Sulkowicz, and despite every effort to sabotage and derail it, "Gosnell" will hit movie screens thanks to a $2 million crowd sourcing campaign. Talk about yelling wolf in a crowded theater.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.