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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
July 24, 2018
The Morning Report 7/24/18
Good morning kids. Tuesday's child is full of piss and vinegar so let's commence to the news of the day. First up, the gunman in the Toronto shooting spree has been identified and it's a fair bet that this is looking like an Islamic-inspired act of terrorism. Naturally the proper thing to do, as the mayor of Toronto John Tory has done, is to call for a complete confiscation of all privately-owned legal firearms. Funny, I thought Canada was one of the nations that already had "sensible" gun laws. In any case, as you will note in the story about the acid attack on a British toddler, what those on the Left fail to realize (that is, those who think emotionally and not rationally, since the ones that think rationally want a disarmed citizenry to better control them) is that it's not about the weapon; it's about the perpetrator and the mindset. In both cases, it's Islam. So go ahead and ban guns, knives, acid, cars, trucks, lead pipes, baseball bats, poison and even fists. Where there's a will - and believe me, there will always be a will - there's a way. Also, in second amendment news, the NRA and Second Amendment Foundation are suing the city of Seattle for its unconstitutional gun storage ordinance.
Moving along, in Mueller Witch Hunt, Obamagate news, we covered the weekend Carter Page FISA warrant dump and it's clearly evident now to all with eyes to see and a brain to think that the dossier was cooked up as a pretext to spy on the Trump campaign via an illegally obtained FISA warrant. The only questions remaining, aside from was/were the judge(s) duped or did they go along with the crimes, is whose names are redacted? It's a fair bet it's Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Brennan as well as their underlings. Meanwhile, a Federal judge has allowed the names of witnesses against Paul Manafort to be made public, which is seen as a blow to Mueller, if not an upholding of the Constitution and fair legal precedent. What has been done to that man is an abject travesty; and considering the long and, to put it mildly, dubious record of Mueller and his team, he should have been defrocked, disbarred and imprisoned years ago. And yet, here we are. The whole rotten thing has a lot of moving parts and kudos to Rush Limbaugh who day in and day out unpacks the thing with clarity and concision. He did so again yesterday and the transcript is in the links.
The other big story still making news is the ramping up of rhetoric with the Iranian regime. After the President's all caps Tweet warning the Farsis that they are no longer dealing with a rube, incompetent, stoner naif, the thug Iranian general who is wanted for the deadly 1994 terror attack on the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires threatened American troops in the Middle East. Tough talk from a gutless, bearded baby-killer who maims innocent unarmed civilians, but I digress. Secretary of State Pompeo meanwhile blasted the mullahs as a bunch of corrupt thieves and criminals which, considering the shambles of the Iranian economy, will no doubt resonate with the suffering populace already disenchanted, to say the least, with the government. It also sends a not-so-subtle signal that the administration supports their effort to overthrow the mullahs. Despite cries from the Coup-Cucks-Clan that this is merely bluster that is akin to or worse than Obama's red line fiasco with Syria, it isn't. This is a man who means what he says and is like a starving pit bull on Tubby Riefenstahl's fat greasy thigh. Considering that among Iran's client states are Russia and the Chi-Coms, as well as receiving aid and comfort from the Eurabian Union, not to mention the nearly 40 years of bloodshed and terror that they have visited on us and the world, if I were Rouhani or that other stooge, I would be peeing in my biryani about now. All that said, we an suppose that the rapprochement with Putin means trying to cleave him from supporting Tehran, as well as isolating the Chi-Coms on this as well. By the way, polling shows Americans overwhelmingly in favor of PDT hosting Putin in DC. Lastly, of note on the international scene come reports that North Korea is most definitely dismantling one of its key missile test sites. Positive news, but let's wait and see. In this case "trust but verify" means "verify the hell out of it first, and then trust... provisionally." Stay tuned.
On to Civil War 2.0 where Fauxcahontas' opponent, a real Indian by the name of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai was the recipient of the much-vaunted Leftist peace, love and understanding with a mostly tolerant slamming of a megaphone in the face. The incident occurred outside a Lieawatha campaign event and Ayyaduri is slamming her for not condemning the attack, as well as noted CNN meat puppet Chris Cuomo for trying to blame the victim. THIS is CNN. By the way, note the word on the bipedal bacteria's dingy t-shirt. Meanwhile, the Denver Post's mostly responsible editorial board saw fit to publish a letter to the editor calling for the President to be "executed."
Moving on to politics, Bill Nelson and Claire McAssKill are raging hypocrites, the Kavanaugh SCOTUS confirmation will factor hugely in battleground and red states with Dem senators, and a Morning Consult poll shows the Democrat electorate as looking about as deflated and dejected as can be, despite the coming "blue wave." Speaking of Kavanaugh, while most polls show Americans in favor of his confirmation by wide margins, Luap the Lesser Paul is making noises that he's still "concerned" over the nominee's 4th Amendment stance.
Domestically, American steel workers are showering the President's trade policy with praise, the Senate has overwhelmingly given the thumbs up to PDT's new pick to head the VA, Andrew Cuomo knows that fixing New York's horrible subway system demands great $30 million in tiling (how much gets kicked back to him?), Jeff Sessionszzzz is talking in his sleep about the ACLU and policing or something and the outdoor sporing goods industry is going green with communism to "resist" Trump. Meh. Dicks to you.
From hither and yon, Argentinian video game makers do the abortion tango, Keith "X" wants Amazon to consult terrorist front group SPLC about book banning, VP Pence was greeted in the city of brotherly love by a cadre of feminazi hate, and Trevor Noah, the South African "comedian" had very kind words of praise for aboriginal women. Funny how there isn't nonstop media coverage calling for his ouster and excommunication from the world like there was for Roseanne Barr. Funny, like with a cloth.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Toronto Shooting Suspect Identified as Faisal Hussein
- 10 Key Takeaways from the Released FISA Warrants Against Carter Page
- Rush: Confirmed - Deep State Used Phony Dossier to Get FISA Warrant to Spy on PDT
- Did Obama, Brennan and Clinton Illegally Collude to Take Down Trump?
- Five Potential Witnesses Against Paul Manafort Named in Court Documents
- Hillary Couldn't Even Remember Benghazi Ambassador's Name
- Soros-Funded Illegal Aliens Shut Down FL Intersection: "We Want ICE Abolished!"
- No, the 14th Amendment Does Not Authorize Birthright Citizenship
- Andrew Cuomo Claims PDT Is On a "Jihad" Against Illegals (so, he's waging "a personal struggle?" - jjs)
- Smugglers Flood Border with Illegal Migrants to Thwart Drug Interdiction Efforts
- Illegal Immigration and Poor Americans
- Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting PDT Should Be Executed
- "Real Indian" Senate Candidate Slams Lieawatha After Being Punched in the Face by One of Her Goons Outside Her Event
- Morning Consult Poll: Dems More Worried, Frustrated, Angry, Depressed Heading Into Midterms
- All Eyes on Arizona and Tennessee
- Bill Nelson Campaign Still Dodging Taxes by Not Employing Full-Time Staff
- House Dem's 2020 Prexy Candidacy Seeks "the Yoga Vote," or Something
- Claire McAssKill Spent Thousands to Use Private Plane on RV Tour
- The Socialist Surge That's Not Coming
- NRA, Second Amendment Foundation Sue Seattle Over Gun Storage Ordinance
- Toronto Mayor Calls for Total Disarming of Citizenry After Probable Terrorist Shooting Attack
- More Polling Shows Battleground States Want Kavanaugh Confirmed
- Ugh. Luap the Lesser Still Concerned About Kavanugh's 4th Amendment Stance
- Majority of Americans Approve of PDT Hosting Putin in DC
- Report States North Korea Begins Dismantling of Key Launch Facilities
- Trump Doctrine vs. Rouhani: Is PDT Serious About Iran? You Bet
- Iranian Thug Wanted for Terrorism Warns 50,000 US Troops in Range of Farsi Fire
- "Hypocritical Holy Men": Pompeo Accuses Senior Iranians of Corruption (that message intended for Iranian people, no doubt - jjs)
- Dirty Harry Should Counsel Chi-Coms
- US "Benign China Policy" Ending: CIA Analyst Says Chi-Coms Now Waging Cold War on US
- Senate Overwhelmingly Approves Robert Wilkie to Head the VA
- The Genocidal Assault on Nigeria's Christians: Where's the International Outrage?
- Attacking a Toddler in Worcester, England
- American Steel Workers Applaud PDT's Trade Agenda: "US Has Been Taken Advantage of Too Long"
- Sessionszzz: "If You Want Crime to Up," Let "ACLU Run the Police Department"
- Our Under-Incarceration Problem - Atlanta Edition
- Andrew Cummo Had MTA Use $30 Million for Tiling Instead of Vital Subway Repair
- "Greenwashing Ploy": Outdoor Recreation Industry Flexes Political Muscle with Anti-Trump Stance
- "Doom Baby Fetus": Argentinian Video Game Lets Players Kill Priests, Pro-Lifers, Unborn Baby
- Keith "X" Ellison Demands Amazon Stop Selling Books the SPLC Hates
- "Handmaids Tale" Commie Protestors March Against VP Pence in Philadelphia
- Calls to Boycott Trevor Noah After He Says "I've Never Seen a Beautiful Aborigine" (will he get what Roseanne got? The world wonders... - jjs)
- There's No Business Like Shoah Business: How the Left Has Turned the Holocaust - and 9/11 and Pearl Harbor and Treason - Into a Joke