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Saturday Gardening Thread: July is heating up [KT] »
July 14, 2018
Thread before the Gardening Thread: Wonderland [KT]
Serving your mid-day open thread needs
It's Saturday, which I hope means that this is not a big news day. You may have noticed that I like to visit David Thompson's blog on days like this. There's a different pace there than here at AoSHQ. David often adds significantly to his posts from the comments, so I like to wait until his posts have aged a bit before reading them.
In the case of this post, he added the photo above in the comments. Plus a link about "life among the Mao-lings" at Concordia University:
For readers, Alice's journey in Wonderland is amusing. But to be Alice is something altogether different. The experience is hard to pin down with words. With few exceptions, no one on campus is officially censored. But the culture itself exerts power. One feels constantly judged. One is always on-edge. To perceive nuance, to be sceptical, to ask questions, gets one quickly accused of moral deficiency. . .
And links about a certain male feminist who wants to fix men - "the heterosexual white ones" and about "the inexplicable demise of an intersectionally feminist bookstore" where customers were expected to "abide by" seven "guidelines".
Have you been to a place that seemed like a wonderland to you lately?
I also thought the post on why random people must be punished was quite meaty. Does blocking roads get people to "care"? How about deliberately blocking the paths of ambulances and giving paramedics the finger?
In the comments, Rafi notes that "The difference between leftwing 'activism' and the zombie apocalypse gets smaller by the day."
Hope you have a great weekend. Have something non-apocalyptic planned?

posted by Open Blogger at
11:15 AM
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