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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (7/3/18 ) »
July 03, 2018
Open Thread
The director of the upcoming animated film, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, announces his support for antifa, alleging that it is only guilty of opposing fascism.
So: Skip.
David Harsanyi writes that every single time Democrats are losing politically, they and their media allies begin finding defects in the electoral and political systems which must be "fixed," i.e., changed so that Democrats can get their way.
Every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, the Washington Post wails that the media is being exposed to possible political violence by merely criticizing them.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, they advocate for violence -- I mean, "escalation" -- against their political enemies.
Increasingly, they're getting their wish. And getting it some more.
Democrat Congressional leader Tom Perez declares that the socialist rich bitch Ocasia-Cortez "is the future of our party."
And the past, too.
Out: Shithole countries.
In: Shithole cities.
#FakeNews pioneer Brian Ross is out at ABCNews. I understand he's a member of the Tea Party.
Kurt Schlicher apparently agrees with that sentiment.
Last week was especially glorious not just because we rejected the latest GOPe amnesty scheme, not just because we defunded the left's union cash extortion machine with the Janus decision, and not just because Justice Kennedy is leaving to be the swing vote on his retirement community HOA. It was especially glorious because these enormous victories -- these latest enormous victories --were the direct result of normal Americans giving the gimps, grifters, and geebos of Never Trump the George Costanza treatment by doing precisely the opposite of our alleged betters’ political instincts.
Everything they told us was wrong. If we had done what they demanded, we would not be revelling in the joy of conserva-victory. We would be resigned to yet another defeat. "But Gorsuch" indeed, you never-been-kissed band of losers.
If we had listened to Never Trump, we'd have voted for Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit and we would not only have Merrick Garland (or worse) on the SCOTUS but now she’d be picking another pinko who agrees with the lib bloc that the First Amendment has hitherto unknown asterisks that prevent conservatives from using it, that a bunch of other rights that aren’t in the Constitution actually are, and that the Second Amendment stuff about not infringing on our right to keep and bear arms really means libs can totally infringe on our right to keep and bear arms. Let’s leave aside our booming economy and crushing ISIS and pulling out of the climate scam and maybe peace with North Korea. Just these two Supreme Court picks makes Trump the most important and successful conservative president since The Big R. And we wouldn’t have any of it if that nattering pack of insufferable sissies had had their way.
But even today, this dwindling band of bow-tied nimrods still whine despite these manifest conservative triumphs. And their numbers grow fewer as the evidence grows in support of an undeniable conclusion: The election of Donald Trump was a conservative triumph of a magnitude we are only beginning to fully appreciate.
Last week, this piece from the American Spectator made the case that NeverTrump was a shambles and a sham.
Jonah Goldberg whines girlishly about it here. His main defense seems to be that it's "dishonest" to lump him in with Jennifer Rubin.
I don't think so. I think they're similar cats with almost-identical spots.
I forgot to add this: Journalists are now declaring, naturally, that due to the Annapolis newsroom shooting that had nothing to do with criticism of the press, it is now too dangerous to criticize the press and you must stop doing so immediately.
No word from CNN or the Washington Post about whether it's okay to criticize Republicans, given the assassination attempt on a half-dozen Republican congressmen.
Apparently liberal speech is too important to squelch over such concerns -- the only other alternative is that conservative lives are simply not valuable enough to be worth safeguarding, but I'm sure CNN and the Washington Post couldn't possibly think that.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:44 PM
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