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June 30, 2018
Bonus ONT
Guess what chillins? You got me again tonight. Mis Hum asked me to cover for him, but I forgot that tonight was my friend's annual 4th of July party. Guy lives out in the country, and not only does he put out a mean spread, but he spends thousands of dollars on a great fireworks show. I hope I A) remember and B) am not too drunk to post this at 10. Why don't we start with a bitchin' van?
Skull Session
Feeding the gods: Hundreds of skulls reveal massive scale of human sacrifice in Aztec capital
Couple of interesting things here. First, note that many anthropologists have denied the veracity of reports about this practice from conquistadors. I think it may have something to do with a reflexive antipathy for western Europeans; they were colonizing the area, and thus they were “evil”. I say this because there has been quite an argument going on on Twitter since this find was announced, and a great many academics are doing their “Who are we to judge? All cultures are equal” dance.
I am a human being, endowed by my creator with the ability to judge the relative merits of things, and I say that this was pure evil. The Spanish were right to wipe these people out, it's a damn shame they didn't get there sooner. As a friend of mine likes to say “Why yes, my culture is superior to your culture".
Second, I also got in a discussion with someone who claimed that there was no way that people volunteered to be sacrificed. Sure, most of those killed were slaves or captives, but some weren't. I remember when I visited Chichen Itza that I was surprised to learn that the players sacrificed after a Mesoamerican ballgame were the victors. These men worked very hard to get good enough to earn the honor of being killed. I see this a lot with people, the assumption that our values are universal. They're not. Human beings are like computers. The hardware is universal, but the software (culture) can make people behave in very different ways. I'm not sure if refusing to recognize this is a Western conceit, or a human one. I suspect the later.
Look! Up in the Sky! It's a Bird! It's a (splash)...OMG! GROSS!
Next Stop, Paris, 1789
The 'Resistance' Is Turning into a National Lynch Mob
America is not magically immune to social unrest. There’s no law of God or nature that says so. When one political faction decides that losing an election is the same as enduring Nazi occupation, and every means of sabotage and persecution is legitimate… well, that’s how you end up in a state of civil war. Come November, voters should remember which side is trying to provoke that.
Funny Stuff from a Moron
In addition to being a doctor, an author, and an artist, Moron R. M. Huffman is also a poet. He describes these as a cross between “Fractured Fairy Tales and Lewis Carroll”.
The second one is my favorite.
Great Moments on Twitter
Sometimes I hate the 8th Amendment. Thieves empty bank account of 112-year-old Richard Overton, oldest living WWII vet
The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants
Tonight's ONT brought to you by peak Florida:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:40 PM
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