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Kennedy Retirement Party, Thread Two »
June 27, 2018
Anthony Kennedy Annouces He's Retiring from Supreme Court;
Trump Will Replace Unreliable Conservative Vote, Presumably, with a Reliable One
McConnell: Vote Will Be This Fall

So now is about the time the NeverTrumpers should be called to answer about how their plan to elect Hillary Clinton as president would have worked out, as far as the Supreme Court.
They are fond of dismissing arguments over this with a snide rejoinder: "But Gorsuch." As if Neil Gorsuch's elevation to the Supreme Court is something minor.
But now Trump has replaced Scalia with a Scalia-esque justice, and will, one hopes, replace a very unreliable "conservative" vote -- really a swing vote -- with a solid conservative.
Will they now start saying "But Gorsuch, but [Kennedy's replacement]"?
Warning Lights: I just remembered: John McCain is openly a liberal, and Jeff Flake has joined him in that, and Flake has been making noises about blocking all Trump judges.
So... Well, maybe too early for champagne.
The NeverTrumpers' favorite Senators might block the nomination of a conservative justice.