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June 26, 2018
Threats Against DHS Personnel Increase; A Dead Animal Is Found Burned at One DHS Employee's House
This sounds like it must be Trump's fault to me.
The Department of Homeland Security is warning employees to stay on alert after a senior official reportedly found a burned animal carcass at his Washington residence.
The acting deputy secretary of homeland security issued a memo Saturday warning staffers that "there may be a heightened threat" against them amid a national outcry over separated immigrant families at the border, CBS News reported.
"This assessment is based on specific and credible threats that have been levied against certain DHS employees and a sharp increase in the overall number of general threats against DHS employees -- although the veracity of each threat varies," Claire M. Grady said. "In addition, over the last few days, thousands of employees have had their personally identifiable information publically [sic] released on social media."
The memo recommended that DHS employees "always keep doors and windows locked, "be aware of unexpected changes" at their homes and "utilize maximum security setting on social media platforms."
Kristin Tate wrote about the media's mob mentality and encouragement of their violent radicals.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders' booting from a northern Virginia restaurant is just a symptom of a much wider illness of left-wing intolerance. It's part of a growing pattern of intimidation and mob scenes against Republican officials. Grassroots activists share in the blame, of course, but the largest single accelerant is the mainstream media.
The rinse and repeat cycle of anti-Trump outrage blared on nearly every news network, magazine and newspaper has fomented an increasingly brazen brand of radical ideas turning into radical action.
Last week was a turning point. And certainly not in a good way for anyone -- the administration, the media, Republicans or Democrats.
The headlines and Twitter feeds have become one recycled (and often artificial) tempest outrage after another. Biased anchors and editorial rooms create a bellows effect of turning isolated incidents or policies of years prior into white-hot cauldrons of outrage. The over-the-top kabuki-theatre-type "coverage" of family separations at the border acts more as undisguised activism than objective reporting. If House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) handed a check to a TV anchor on set, it would be less subtle.
Every new affront ratchets up the already-tense leftist base and riles up Republican RINOs...
This miscarriage of responsibility has -- and will have --real-world ramifications.

posted by Ace of Spades at
08:07 PM
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