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Food Thread: The Great Garnish War: Summer Campaign »
June 24, 2018
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Victor Davis Hanson examines Hillary Clinton and her harmatia.
Hillary Clinton is by nature sometimes clueless, often haughty, and characteristically vindictive. To understand her response to her defeat, it would be wise to turn to the Athenian tragedian Sophocles and other Greek authors.
Sophocles, Euripides, and the Greek epic poets, historians, and tragedians explore the idea of hamartia. Such an innate character flaw, such as Oedipus’s self-regard or Jason’s obtuseness, can be repressed, but it will inevitably resurface at the most inopportune moment. From Clinton’s cattle-future imbroglio and the “missing” Rose Law Firm files to the Uranium One and Clinton Foundation scandals, Clinton for over 40 years has never much worried about the wages of chronic deception and ends-justifying-the-means morality.
I guess Victor Davis Hanson won't be riding Skpper Biff Kristol's sunset cruise anytime soon.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
02:02 PM
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