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June 19, 2018
Happy Birthday to the Dakota Access Pipeline, Which Has Been Delivering 500,000 Barrels Per Day Without the Catastrophic Poisoning of Water Tables We Were Promised
From John Sexton at Hot Air, the pipeline that was supposed to kill us all is just kinda chillin' and deliverin' oil.
DAPL has been quietly transferring crude oil from the Bakken fields in North Dakota at a rate of over 500,000 barrels per day. That has helped bolster North Dakota’s daily production numbers. According to the North Dakota's Department of Mineral Resources, North Dakota production hit 1.16 million barrels per day in March, thanks in large to part to DAPL..
The Dakota Access Pipeline's safety record to date is quite impressive--the pipeline has been entirely free from significant incidents. While several minor leaks have been recorded, they were each quickly contained at the source and amounted to mere gallons, rather than barrels of volume escaping. According to available data, the pipeline lost less than 4 barrels of oil during its first six months in operation versus roughly 61.25 million barrels transported during the same period of time...
I honestly don't think these people understand why it is that few of us have to do heavy, tedious physical labor every single day of our lives any longer. And that those who do have to do physical labor have their efforts multiplied a dozenfold.
These are preliterate, superstitious savages we're dealing with, and they really believe that the computer they're furiously typing "OIL IS AIDS!!!!" into runs on magic.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:08 PM
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