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June 02, 2018
Chess Thread 06-02-2018
Steampunk Chess
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As always, the chess/dress pr0n thread is an open thread, so there is no such thing as an off-topic comment.
Easier Problem - White To Play (Ch. 3927)
Hint: Deflect the knight

8/5Q1p/3N1npk/8/R4P2/P6P/6PK/4qr2 w - - 0 1
Fun Fact
Prior to the 1800s, Oxford University outlawed chess, calling it "noxious, inordinate and unhonest." Its chess club was formed in 1869.
(h/t Bill Wall)
More Challenging Problem - White To Play (655)
This position looks pretty ugly for White. Is there anything he can do to stave off certain defeat? (note: upsetting the board and/or murder do not count as solutions)
Hint: Maneuver your king carefully to react to either threat

8/7K/k1P5/p7/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1
Dress Pr0n For the 'Ettes:
Greetings from the Ukraine

Solutions Update
Easier Problem - White To Play

8/5Q1p/3N1npk/8/R4P2/P6P/6PK/4qr2 w - - 0 1
1.Nf5+ Kh5
2.Qxh7+ Nxh7
2.Qxf6+ Kh5
Either way, a mate in 3.
More Challenging Problem - White To Play
Hint: Maneuver your king carefully to react to either threat

8/7K/k1P5/p7/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1
White knows that the best he can do is squeak out a draw. Black has a couple of threats, (1) to run his pawn and (2) to pick up White's pawn for the win. But by adroit placement of his king, White can stop either one, whichever one Black comits to.
1.Kg6 Kb6
If Black decides to run his pawn with 1...a4, White can generate a queening threat of his own with 2.Kf5 a3 3.Ke6 a2 4.c7 a1=Q 5.c8=Q+ draw.
2.Kf5 a4
If Black decides to scoop up the White pawn with 2...Kxc6 then 3.Ke4 Kb5 4.Kd3 Kb4 5.Kc2 a4 6.Kb2 and Black is now blocked from the queening square.
3.Ke5 a3
As before, if 3...Kxc6 then 4.Kd4 Kb5 5.Kc3 Kc5 6.Kb2 Kb4 7.Ka2 draw.
4.Kd6 a2
5.c7 a1=Q
6.c8=Q draw.
Hope to see you all next week!
Note: that cryptic line of letters and numbers you see underneath each board diagram is a representation of the position in what is known as "Forsyth-Edwards Notation", or F.E.N. It's actually readable by humans. Most computer applications nowadays can read FEN, so those of you who may want to study the position, you can copy the line of FEN and paste into your chess app and it should automatically recreate the position on its display board. Or, Windows users can just "triple click" on it and the entire line will be highlighted so you can copy and past it into your chess app.
So that about wraps it up for this week. Chess thread tips, suggestions, bribes, rumors, threats, and insults may be sent to my yahoo address: OregonMuse little-a-in-a-circle yahoo dott com.

posted by OregonMuse at
05:12 PM
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