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June 04, 2018
The Morning Rant

"Finally got around to seeing 'Darkest Hour' this weekend. I suppose it was a good movie, but the historical oddities really grated on me. No, Churchill did not ride the Underground, did not resolve his doubts based on hob-nobbing with some working class folk, and probably never spoke to a black guy except maybe when he was in South Africa, and that was decades before events of the movie began. I felt like some rat bastard commie was trying to slip in some propaganda while I wasn't looking. And at the conclusion of his climactic speech before Parliament, a young British woman up in the visitors' gallery yells out 'Smash the Fascists!' Really? First, did the British Parliament even have a visitors' gallery back them? I don't know, but I'm suspicious. Second, who the hell talks like that? Not normal British people. She would most likely have said 'Smash the Huns!' No normal person has the words 'fascist' and 'fascism' in her vocabulary. Only rat bastard commies do. Or those who have been heavily influenced by them, such as feminists, Hollywood fops, academic knuckleheads, and labor agitators. She would have seen the war as her country vs. another country, not some ideological struggle against 'fascism.' That's stupid. So Darkest Hour is basically a re-imagining of Winston Churchill in Marxist terms. Which is a shame, because Gary Oldman's performance was phenomenal."
And Speaking of Rat Bastard Commies Ruining Movies:
Because what will get us rubes back into the movie theaters are ham-handed sermons on race, class, and gender.
Leaning Forward:
Cause and Effect -- How Does It Work?
"It's OK When WE Do It":
So Where Was Bomb?

posted by OregonMuse at
11:30 AM
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