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May 25, 2018
Fat Ugly Toad-Like Nepot John Podhoretz Demands That Mollie Hemingway Only Speak in Praise of Fellow Fat Toadlike Nepot Bill Kristol
If you don't know, John Podhoretz and Bill Kristol both succeeded the old fashioned way: They had their daddies do the actual succeeding, then they coasted on what their daddies had built and tapped their daddies' rich friends for endless fundraising for their "businesses."
If you also don't know, Mollie Hemingway's husband Mark Hemingway has worked for the Weekly Standard for a long time.
The rancid sweaty failure John Podhoretz thinks that means that Mollie Hemingway must not even link an article which notes that Bill Kristol is apparently considering himself as a presidential candidate.
Apparently when you take a job, you now owe your boss (even when he's no longer your boss) an oath of loyalty similar to that a knight swears to his liege. Oh, and his wife owes that too, even though Kristol and almost everyone at The Weekly Standard attacks Mollie Hemingway on Twitter all day long. (And she doesn't attack back, precisely because of the awkwardness of Mark working there. Note that the Weekly Standard harpies don't feel bound to keep it civil with a co-worker's wife.)
Podhoretz has now deleted this egregious tweet -- which reads like a threat that he's conveying for his "friend" (as he calls him) Bill Kristol, with a hint that Kristol might order her husband's firing if she doesn't treat Bill Kristol with the respect he thinks he deserves -- but Sean Davis screencapped the exchange in the tweet below:
Podhoretz's attempt to carry the water of his fellow paunchy princeling wasn't well received:
Now that we know that Democrat millionaires are pouring money into efforts to demoralize and sabotage the Republican Party -- I think it's time these two corrupt institutions made their donor pools public information.
By the way, these old, bitter twitter-addict queens should keep in mind that there's a real world beyond Twitter, and at the end of the day, someone might just decide to teach you a real-world lesson for your bitchy internet Beer Muscles mouth.
I think Mark Hemingway could pretty easily fold John Podhoretz up like a very fat camping tent, if they ran across each other in real life.
You know, real life, John. That thing you hide from sitting on Twitter all day, pretending your fake internet world is the real world where you are a WARRIOR AND GOD-KING OF BITCHY SCHOOLGIRL SNARK.
Just something to keep in mind, buddy.
Eh, you don't seem to ever get off Twitter anyway. I'm sure you'll be fine.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:27 PM
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