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May 25, 2018
Neocon NeverTrump SuperHero John McCain: Gee, Now That I Think About It, Eleven Years of Nation Building in a Backwards Muslim Land Was Sort of a Mistake, Wasn't It?
Now that their hero, the warmonger John McCain, has admitted that Iraq was a mistake -- something that most people were able to admit 8-10 years ago -- will the Never-Admit-Error Neocon NeverTrumpers admit it?
Speaking of #MuhPrinciples, remember when it was sacred conservative principle that we would never use the military to "nation build" again? And then, little by little, the War in Iraq turned into the 11 year Nation Building Project in Iraq?
I fault myself for having gone along willingly (if uncomfortably) with this. I felt like it was a case of in for a penny, in for the full bloody limb-shearing pound.
But what was billed up front as a war soon became a decadelong nation building and neighborhood policing project.
Some of us have admitted our own folly on that score for years.
Others won't.
But maybe these Brave Conservative Warriors will admit it now that one of their Mind-Leaders have given them permission to do so.
Ah, #MuhPrinciples. How they doth mutate and transform.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:13 PM
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