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May 24, 2018
Shock: David French Writes in the New York Times to Attack "Conservatives"
Note he doesn't say "fellow conservatives." He just says "conservatives."
As I've said forever: Paycheck Conservatives will increasingly make themselves non-Deplorable for liberal outlets. Paycheck Conservatives are all about the paycheck, and as opportunities to scam the right's donor base's goodwill decline, opportunities to make money from the left trashing conservatives increase dramatically.
I don't even feel like addressing French's juvenile squeals. It's been addressed enough. But: NFL has longstanding rules against political messaging during NFL events; they enforced this rule against people who wanted to wear cleats with 9/11-remembrance paint on them and against the Dallas Cowboys for memorializing the Dallas cops killed by the Black Lives Matter ambush assassin.
But for this political expression -- the kneeling protests that have partly contributed to a 10% loss in NFL viewership -- they suspended the rule and ignored the rulebook concerning standing for the flag.
Apparently it's not "conservative" to demand that if a rule is enforced against conservatives, it should be enforced against liberals as well. Insisting on equal treatment is now an "unconservative" position, according to this ludicrous cuck.
I'm against a Caste system in America, with different Castes ranked and granted different rights and different obligations. What say you, Cuck? You okay with this?
Incidentally, David French had the opportunity to write a column about the thugs assaulting Tomi Lahren yesterday. He, get this, didn't. Instead he wrote a single tweet containing but two words: "Disgusting behavior."
And having done the obligatory minimum, he then went to frenzied work to get to his real passion, attacking conservatives.
Oh but if someone says something crosswise about members of his tribe -- if Bari Weiss catches some flack on Twitter, if Kevin Williamson gets canned at a liberal mag -- then French will have a great deal more to say than "Disgusting behavior."
These guys will ignore dozens of firings and pressure campaigns to get to the one incident that gets their heart beating quicker: A chance to scold conservatives and show liberals they're "one of the good ones."
His "principles" of free speech are the same that liberals hold: That members of his clique have free speech rights, and Deplorables don't.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:40 PM
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