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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
May 22, 2018
The Morning Report 5/22/18
Good morning kids. Top story is one that is continuing from last night, a group of masked gunmen brandishing AK-47s opened fire on a crowd of young people in Marseille. There are reports that a pitched gun battle occurred with gendarmes shortly afterwards and that there may be a hostage. Considering there is no right to bear arms in France, I would like to ask Camera Hogg, Shaved Guevara et al what law(s) are not on the books in France that would have prevented this from happening? I'm sure London Mayor Sadiq Khan will derogate us for missing the obvious - we need common sense mask control. Prayers for the victims, but I guess the Left is sick and tired of that as well.
Moving on to the Mueller Witch Hunt and the Deep State coup against the President and the citizenry who elected him, more and more evidence is stripping away the onion to reveal what we had all surmised, that John Brennan engineered the entire Russian collusion myth via the fabricated dossier and a spy - or spies as Michael Caputo is alleging - within the campaign to sabotage the campaign. But since Hillary's loss, which they gambled would never happen, the plan now is to attempt to destroy the Trump presidency in order to save their hides from being exposed. This too has failed and sooner or later, we will indeed learn that while Brennan engineered this whole thing, it was Obama who gave the order to do it. He needed Hillary in not just to cover up the crime but to preserve his eight years of poisonous ruin and seal the fate of the Republic.
This entire thing just boggles the mind on many levels. We are living through an historic and terrifying phase of our nation's history. But the thing to remember, as Ace alluded to yesterday evening in citing Richard Fernandez's piece at PJ Media, and Clinton Pollster Mark Penn's essay, all of this just didn't happen overnight. It took years, decades to corrupt an entire Federal Bureaucracy to such an extent as to make this possible. A couple of things that I think are worthy of keeping in mind; first on a granular level, as the Agitprop Media reveals names and details, they are doing this not out of journalistic integrity; they are doing this intentionally as a means to shield their political allies/fellow travelers.
The real criminals/masterminds will never be exposed, not by them anyway. And that means Obama and Clinton. Speaking of the Bollard that Ate the Pavement, see the links about Awan and Rush's take on all of this vis a vis her servers, but I digress. Along with Mark Levin openly calling for the vacating of everything that has come out of Mueller's "investigation," keeping in mind everything I have just noted, take a look at that link about the 1996 election. Forgetting Bob Dole as a candidate and his personality, how many candidates r even elections has the Deep State sabotaged if not thrown in the past 50 or more years? Richard Fernandez in his piece at PJ Media is spot on. We are at the phase of this where it's for all the marbles, baby. And even if the President does come out on top, will vermin like Comey, Clapper, Brennan and their deputies let alone Obama and Clinton actually face imprisonment let alone even be indicted?
Along with the complete polarization of the populace vis a vis cultural rot, demographic changes (natural and otherwise [mostly otherwise]), and the anti-American indoctrination that has poisoned the minds of at least two generations of children - and continuing - taking all of the above into consideration, I really don't see how we can continue as a group of united states. Without a set of common values and ideals, and now without the rule of law to punish the wicked and criminal no matter who they are, and especially those we elect to the highest offices in the land, it's over.
On that cheerful note, let us continue, shall we? In Amnesty news, Steve King has introduced a bill to punish elected officials who aid and abet illegal aliens avoid deportations; five years in jail. And that made the inspiration for this bill (and its namesake, heh!) Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff react in a generally not nice way. Meh. Considering the leadership in Congress, I doubt this has a chance. In any case the President is not backing down on his use of the mild and understated adjective of "animals" to describe MS-13 and has released a fact sheet that highlights the raison d'etre for that appellation.
On the political front, as Keith "X" Ellison prances about in a blonde wig (any imam Morons in the house can tell me if that's kosher?), the DNC coffers are sucking fumes and the great Bernardo Sandersnista, who will lead the youthful masses in raising the red banner above the White House once he has a lie-down and an Ensure, has an organizing arm that is falling to pieces. A Democrat wife-beater won't say if he's still beating his wife and won't step aside, and 114 conservatives in the House are backing Jim Jordan in a bid for Speaker of the House. And yet, the schmuck who lost the West Virginia GOP primary is going to go third party. Putz.
Internationally, speaking of stolen elections, Venezuela. More than just hintng at a goal of regime change, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is promising the toughest sanctions ever against Iran while the Euro-peons are promising to stab us in the back over them (a day ending in 'Y"). And while the Chi-Coms have seemingly flinched over tariffs, the US is negotiating with them about the Chinese telecom company EZE. In related news, while alarming reports of the PLA Navy being twice the size of the US Navy by 2030, we also see have a link to China's lifting of its "one child" policy, indicating it knows that it too is facing a crisis with low birth rates.
Moving around the horn, is Justice Kennedy staying or going, Kamala-Toe talks out the side of her mouth about the death penalty, the problem with schools is not lack of money, an interesting take on cronyism in Michigan and finally the nail in the coffin for Netflix.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Masked Gunmen Armed with AK-47s Open Fire on Group of Children in Marseille; Shootout with Gendarmes Ensues
- Video Footage Emerges of the Shooting
- Former Trump Advisor Michael Caputo Makes Claim About a Second Informant/Spy
- Levin: Mueller's Appointment Was Unconstitutional - "And Every Subpoena, Indictment, and Plea Agreement Should Be Null and Void."
- Brennan's "Vicious" Tweet Means He's Worried About Being Exposed
- John Brennan's Plot to Infiltrate the Trump Campaign
- PDT Needs to Confront, Not Appease, Mueller's Posse as to Demand for Live Testimony
- Lord: Deep-Stategate - The Sweetheart Leaks
- 9 Ways Mueller's Witch Hunt Epitomizes a Legal System in Crisis
- How the FBI, CIA and Slim's NY Slimes Colluded to Sway the 1996 Election
- Witness Said Awan Wiretapped Her, Then Bank Account She Controlled Was Drained
- Rush: Pakistan Hacked the DNC Server and Maybe Hillary's Illegal Server Too
- Steve King Introduces Bill to Imprison Politicians Who Help Illegal Aliens Evade Deportation
- White House Triples Down on "Animals" of MS-13 with New Fact Sheet
- Prager: Why the Left Won't Call Anyone "Animals"
- Students Safer in School Than Out Despite Shootings, Statistics Show
- Treasury Sec Mnuchin Urges DoJ to Review Power of Google, Other Massive Tech Firms
- Leftists Slowly Turning Off the Faucet of Free Speech
- As Evidence Piles Up, the Media Ignore the "Other" Trump-Russia Scandal
- Are-You-Still-Beating-Your-Wife? Dept.: Front Runner in Key Dem Primary Refuses to Drop Out Over Wife-Beating Allegations
- Bernardo Sandersnista's Organizing Arm is "Falling Apart"
- DNC Fundraising Woes Continue Ahead of Midterms
- 114 Conservatives Urge Jim Jordan to Run for Speaker
- Ugh: Blankenship Plans Third Party Run After Losing WV GOP Primary
- How Republicans Can Help the Dems Win the Midterms... for the GOP
- Administration Slams "Sham" Election in Venezuela, Imposes New Sanctions
- SoS Pompeo Threatens Farsis with "Strongest Sanctions in History," Outlines New Nuke Demands
- Eurabians Plotting to Undermine New US Sanctions on Iran
- US, Chi-Coms Agree on Outline to Resolve ZTE Issue
- The Real Agenda Behind the "Right of Return"
- Chi-Com Navy Will Be Twice the Size of US Navy by 2030, Says Expert
- Short-Circuiting the Electromagnetic Threat
- Jihad via the Ballot Box
- A Russian's Devastating Verdict on Norway; Outsiders See How Islam is Devouring a Nation
- Mogadishu, Minnesota
- Michigan Think Tank Looks Into Scope of States Crony Capitalism - It's Not Pretty
- Justice Kennedy Retirement Rumors Swell to Fever Pitch
- There is No Substitute for Work
- Kamala-Toe Crows About "Fierce Opposition to Death Penalty"... Yet Defended it Fiercely in Federal Court Just 4 Years Ago
- Here's How to Take Down Planned Parenthood Now That PDT Landed a Punch
- Number 1: NYC Public Schools Spent $24,109 Per Pupil, Yet 72% Not Proficient in Reading, 72% Not Proficient in Math
- Obama's Launch "Higher Ground Productions," Sign Netflix Deal
- Too Rate? Chi-Coms Might Scrap Birth Limit Policy
- The Left and the Right Aren't Hearing the Same Jordan Peterson