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Monday Overnight Open Thread (5/21/18 ) »
May 21, 2018
Tater Tut: It's Offensive to Claim I'm an Anti-Trump Democrat
Via Ed Driscoll of Instapundit, CNN's Tater is claiming he's not on either side of the political aisle.
Does Brian Stelter even listen to himself talk? The same man who compared Donald Trump to "authoritarian" "strongmen" is now "offended by the idea that top White House aide Kellyanne Conway sees the CNN journalist as an anti-Trump Democrat. While talking about Russia on Sunday's Reliable Sources, Conway referred to "people on your side of the aisle."
Stelter huffed, "I'm not on a side of an aisle. That's an offensive remark." Conway pounced: "Well, tell America. Did you vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? How did your wife vote? Tell America."
The media wants to lie to your face about fundamental things and then demand that you believe everything they say.
Hello, they lied.
That's Our Tater! Tater's too stupid to be any good at lying.
Also, I heard that there might be some news broken on Tucker Carlson's show tonight.
Eh, it looks like he's just debating a Democrat who claims he has "proof" of collusion. Seems like theater, but not news.

posted by Ace of Spades at
08:02 PM
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