� American Association of University Professors Claims that Political Pressure Is the Only Possible Reason Behind the Firing of a Prof Who Bullied a Student By Calling Her a Racial Slur |
#HeToo: Now a Male Student Accuses a Female Student of Sexually Assaulting Him, Noting That His Drunken Condition Made Consent Impossible �
May 16, 2018
Cheesecake Factory Employees Reportedly Harass Black Man Wearing a "MAGA" Hat, Demanding He Be Thrown Out of the Restaurant; Some Say They Also Called Him the N-Word
"I got up and went to the restroom, my girlfriend followed me, and as we were walking back, a group of [the employees] came out from the back and they just started clapping and yelling, and just screaming things at me," Joseph said. This was corroborated by another witness, who said that the employees in the kitchen booed loudly as Joseph walked by.
According to witnesses, some of the employees even referred to Joseph as a "n**ger" throughout the ordeal.
A witness told The Daily Wire that the employees "looked like a lynch mob and they couldn't stand to see a black man wearing a hat that showed support for the president."
The Cheesecake Factor says it has "suspended" the employees pending the investigation.
They also say that the media is blowing reports of their employees behaving like a lynch mob and calling a black man "n***er" out of proportion.
Well, they seem to specifically deny the "lynch mob" claim, stating that the employees were gathered in one place during a shift-change which might have looked like a lynch mob to the uninformed.
Yeah... maybe. And maybe it's just as the reports have it.
As Twitchy wonders: Will this even get 10% of the coverage the Starbucks noncident got? 5%? 1%?
posted by Ace of Spades at
02:37 PM
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