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May 13, 2018
John McCain Former POW Always A POS
As "The Maverick" marches off into the sunset. Those that surround him are protecting his name.
It appears "The Maverick" isn't going going down quietly without his wife fighting for him.
Retired general Tom McInerney had some unkind words to say about Senator McCain on Fox Business News. Looks like it cost him his analyst position there.
“The fact is, it worked on John McCain,” McInerney said. “That’s why they call him ‘Songbird John.’ Those methods can work and they are effective, as former Vice President Cheney said. And if we have to use them to save a million American lives, we will do whatever we have to.”
Of course Mrs. Maverick had to chime in.
John McCain’s wife, Cindy McCain, slammed Fox Business host Charles Payne, writing, “Please choose your guest more wisely.”
No word if Mrs. Maverick will be successful in wiping out all references to the Keating Five.
Perhaps after clearing up the Keating Five misunderstanding she can expunge all references to the first Mrs. McCain.
Were John McCain and the State of Arizona running through the mind of H.L. Mencken when he wrote, "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
The political advertisement season is starting to heat up.
Brian Kemp of GA. My kind of candidate.
Then there is Pat Davis. In your face and wrong.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
02:02 PM
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