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May 10, 2018
"It's Like a Dream:" Former North Korean Hostages Now on US Soil As Trump Greets Them at 3am
I know this is now old news, but I want to put up a thread about it before getting to the other news.
When three Americans newly freed from detention in North Korea arrived at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland early Thursday, President Donald Trump was there to greet them.
The president was joined by first lady Melania Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
After the president emerged with the three Americans, he addressed the media, saying, "I really think he [Kim Jong Un] wants to do something."
I personally don't think he wants to do something besides con us into giving him aid and trade concessions in exchange for empty promises, and I think Trump should stop over-promising, given that North Korea's history has been to under-deliver.
Trump publicly thanked North Korean ruler for releasing the prisoners, and regarded it as a sign of easing tensions as the two leaders hope to strike a deal toward peace on the Korean Peninsula in the forthcoming summit.
North Korea's official news agency, KCNA, said Kim's move to grant the three Americans amnesty came at the "official suggestion" of the U.S. president.
Video of the former hostages enjoying their first freedom in months here.
Note that the NYT called Pompeo AWOL for being absent from the US. Turns out, he was finalizing the release of the hostages. Sarah Huckabee Sanders rips the NYT in that clip.
"I think it's shameful what the media sometimes does," she told Martha MacCallum.
Sanders pointed to a Times report that described Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as AWOL while Trump was making important decisions on Iran.
"How clueless can the media be?" Sanders asked, adding that Pompeo was doing "exactly [the] job he is supposed to do."
This is fresher news -- Trump has announced the date and place of the summit with North and South Korea. It'll be in Singapore on June 12.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:21 PM
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