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May 11, 2018
The Morning Rant

"So ace pointed out a couple of days ago that Trump was tweeting about Slappy Schneiderman back in 2013. If Trump knew, then everybody in NY's upper echelons knew. This includes everyone in business, every politician, and every single media fathead on their high horses lecturing Flyover America about sexual harassment, male privilege and misogyny. They knew about it, and did nothing. I'm looking at you, Lester Holt, you slimy c████ks████ker. F████k you. You knew. And you, Jim Acosta. You knew. So you can shove a flaming yule log up your a████ sideways. And you, Matt Lauer, you knew. Of course, you were helping yourself to the goodies, too, just like your pal Scumbag Schneiderman. So f████k you, too. Oh, and Rachel Maddow, you smelly old t████t, you knew, didn't you? And you decided not to tell anyone for political reasons, right? Scummy Schneiderman mouthed all the correct progressive pieties, so you just gave him a pass, didn't you? So you and professional b██t-boy Anderson Cooper, who also knew and didn't tell anyone, everyone else who looked the other way, and whose silence facilitated further abuse, should be bent over barrels and f████ked good and hard by the thrice-barbed c████k of Satan. You deserve nothing except absolute contempt. F████k you all."
(h/t Warden, baldilocks, and Chris Taylor)
And to cap it all off, the good guy in this whole sordid mess, the reporter most responsible for airing out this dirty Dem laundry, appears to be MSNBC back-bencher Ronan Farrow. How weird is that?
The Problem We All Have To Live With:
This Is What Winning Looks Like:

click for larger version

If they're doing
Lamarck, what's up next? Phrenology? "These bumps on the back of Kanye's head indicate he's a white supremacist."
Is This Real Life? Is This Fantasy?
Compare & Contrast:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:23 AM
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