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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
May 02, 2018
The Morning Report 5/2/18
Good morning kids. Midway through the week and like PPNG herpes on a $5 buck crack whore, the Mueller Witch Hunt roars back onto the front page. Aside from the mystery of who leaked the questions that Mueller would ask PDT should he be foolish enough to agree to sit down to an interview, Rod Rosensteinpenis, who is for sure a card-carrying member (where's the pocket on that thing?) of the Deep State insurrection, got testy and snippy when confronted with the possibility of being shit-canned for his repeated stonewalling of Congressional investigators. Make no mistake; the Dems and their embeds in the Deep State are bound and determined to destroy this President or at a minimum derail his agenda, even if they have to destroy the lives of anyone and everyone they can use as a means to do so. See Michael Flynn or the link about Michael Caputo, whose sentiments I wholeheartedly endorse. Makes no difference, despite the fact that King Putz himself declared that it would be impossible for the Russians to interfere or rig the US elections. That was in response to candidate Trump's (correct) assessment of Democrat voter fraud, and when everyone thought the Drunken Bollard was a landslide lock and nobody wanted to taint her victory.
And yet we now see that there was potentially a second dossier in the works being cooked up by the Clinton camp purporting to have a Trump sex tape. More importantly, there is ample evidence to show that the Obama DoJ told the FBI to squelch the investigation into the Clinton e-mail scandal. As if the Comey-led bureau was going to actually pursue it. G-d damn them all to Hell indeed.
Moving right along to the international scene, in the wake of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's stunning revelations about Iran's unchecked nuclear program - and the fact that Mossad agents did, in fact, steal a truckload of documents from what must have been a very well guarded facility - ex-Obama flack Tommy "That-Was-Like-a-Hundred-Years-Ago, Man" Vietor opened his cake-hole to belch out that Israel and PDT fabricated the evidence to dismantle his precious deal. As the air clears from that flatus, if the Mossad broke into and lifted those documents or they had help from insiders, the inescapable truth is that the Iranian regime is in deep doo-doo.
Over at the border, Sooper-Secret Sleeper AG Sessionszzzz is actually prosecuting the illegal alien border jumpers from that Soros-funded caravan and the state of Texas is bringing a lawsuit to end DACA. No word yet from Judge Punchy Molokai Leper Colony.
On the political front, the President thankfully is aware not to take anything for granted vis a vis the midterms. Hence his terrific appearance in Michigan this past weekend and I assume more of the same across the country now that we are just six months out. That said, convicted felon and Nazi collaborator George Soros is trying to buy yet another DA slot in Oregon and Mike DeWine took blood money from members of a terror-linked mosque. Meanwhile, Nancy "Stretch" Palsi is hopefully performing a shit-Midas routine about Democrats retaking the House and her being installed as Speaker. Hey, definitely take nothing for granted but I don't see a blue wave happening. And there's an interesting analysis from IBD about why the Millenial crowd are turning away from Democrats. Not that they're turning to the GOP, which leads to another good piece at American Thinker about all the good things happening that that dead party are not running on but should be.
Somewhat related, AFSCME and other public sector crime syndicates labor unions are shitting a pill whether SCOTUS might actually decree they can no longer shake down members for union dues, much of which as you may know (or should) go directly as payoffs to the Democrat Party.
In the wonderful world of the Religion of Peace, it turns out that 80% of the Gaza "victims" killed whilst protesting Israel were terrorists or members of terrorist organizations (the distinction being?) and right here at home, we got your Joo-hate fresh roasted (phrasing) at Starbucks, who have knuckled under to the SJW cadres by not including Jews in their anti-discrimination program.
Circling back to Portland, 22 cop cars were vandalized during "May Day" celebrations. While we're on the subject of intolerant thugs, tyrants and goons, Max-Scene "Polluted" Waters reacted to Kanye West's steps towards the light in typical Democrat-Marxist fashion: she told him to shut-up, sit down, get in the back of the bus and know your place. At the risk of being repetitive, I think this Kanye West thing is going to be a thing (please G-d). When you add to it the disillusionment of the millennial and post-millennial generations, Kanye West, or a cultural icon/lodestone of those groups has the potential to really reach hearts and minds. And as you ponder that, the great Victor Davis Hanson (via William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection) puts it all in perspective. All the marbles, baby.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Report: Mueller Warned of Action He Might Take if PDT Refused to be Interviewed
- Mueller's Leak: Deep State Doubles Down on Collusion with Democrats
- Did Obama's DoJ Tell FBI to End Clinton Foundation Investigation?
- Rod Rosen
steinpenis Suggests Effort to Impeach Him Amounts to "Extortion"
- DiGenova Sees "Fireable Offense" in Rosen
steinpenis Blocking Congress
- Clinton Fixer's "Second Dossier" Was Met with Skepticism
- Rush: Flashback - Obama Himself Told Us the Russians Couldn't Rig an Election
- Michael Caputo Tells Senate Intel Panel "G-d Damn You to Hell"
- Texas Sues to Stop DACA
- Huge Court Backlog a Kink in US Immigration System
- Rich Venezuelan Socialists Live the High Life in Florida
- Facebook Now Ranking News Organizations Based on "Trustworthiness"
- Nancy Palsi Guarantees Victory in Midterms: "We Will Win, I Will Run for Speaker"
- Why Are Millenials Turning Against Democrats? The Answer is Simple
- DeWine Took Funds From Members of Jihad-Linked Mosque in 2006
- Soros-Linked PAC Drops $150,000 in Oregon DA Race, Obscures Funding Source
- PDT's Verbal Assault on Tester Gives GOP Room to Run in Montana
- Conservatives Coalesce Around Patrick Morrisey in West Virginia Senate Primary
- "I Can't Afford an Apartment": Congressmen Sleeping in Offices Cry Poverty (they must be doing it wrong - JJS)
- The Silence of the GOP Lambs on Ronny Jackson, the Roaring Economy and More
- Mossad Spies Reportedly Stole Iran Nuke Files, Smuggled to Israel the Same Night (they did it with laser-guided Joo-Sharks - JJS)
- Tommy Like Vietor Like Thinks Like Israel and Like Trump Like "Cooked Up Intel" to Like Undermine the Iran Like Nuke Deal Thing
- The Short and Ugly History of the Iran Nuke Deal Sellout
- Trade War? Trump Team to Use Any Means to Bust Open China's Barriers to US Exports
- Congress Seeks Showdown on Ending US Aid to Palestinians
- Analysis Indicates 80% of Gazans Killed in Israeli Border Clashes Were Terrorists
- The Multiculturalism Umbrella: Islam's Manufactured Wool
- Greenfield: Starbucks Fights Racism, Bows to Anti-Semitism
- The Sanders(nista) Plan to Impoverish America
- Related: Fantasyland Economics
- Life After Janus: Public Unions Scramble for a World Where They Can No Longer Dun Workers
- Cecile Richards Exit Leaves Planned Parenthood in Disarray
- 65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading, 67% Not Proficient in Math
- Video: Gender Propaganda in Kindergarten
- How Climate and Weather Work
- Kanye West Unloads on Obama, Spills Details on Personal Insults and Snubs
- Maxine "Dirty" Waters Tells Kanye to Shut Up: "He Talks Out of Turn... Maybe Shouldn't Have So Much to Say"
- 22 Cop Cars Vandalized in AntiFa Hotbed of Portland on "May Day"
- Mumia Abu-Jamal Back in Motion
- How the Left's War on Words
Manipulates Manipsonates Your Mind
- Victor Davis Hanson: "We Are Entering Revolutionary Times"