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May 01, 2018
Poll: Democrats Lose Favor With Millennials, Who Notice the Economy is Performing Better Under Trump Than Obama
Surprised they even know about this -- the media sure is doing its best to keep this confidential.
In a poll of 1,600 16,000, Millennial support for Democrats fell nine points, from a skull-crushing 55% to a somewhat less skull-crushing 46%. Still not great.
Republican support remained the same at 28%. Very not great.
Still, it's better to have a more independents than more Democrats. And also, few people politically transition all in one swoop from one party to the other. Usually they park in a "centrist" or "moderate" or "independent" space for a while before making any move to the opposite party.
NeverTrumps are doing this right now, for example. Not all NeverTrumps will become Democrats, of course. Some will remain centrist or unaligned and some will remain nominally conservative.
But a lot of them will go the Andrew Sullivan route. AllahPundit, for example, is now sarcastically dismissing people who think CNN is the enemy and today writes that believing that the media "sucks" is a "bedrock" belief of "rightwing populists," apparently an alien species he now observes from a distance.
Funny, I used to remember him believing that the media sucks. He didn't used to goof on people for not trusting it and otherize them as an exotic species. And he didn't used to defend CNN and suggest that criticism of its outrageous partisanship was delusionary.
You know who does do that? Liberal Democrats who are politically invested in protecting their fellow travelers at CNN. And people who just really, really, really, really love Jake Tapper.
Out: #SalonHot25
In: #JakesHarem

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:46 PM
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