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May 01, 2018
The Hill Newspaper: Yeah, We're Done With the White House Correspondents Dinner
Next year it'll just be for CNN and their Deep State dates.
Washington-based publication The Hill has opted out of attendance at future White House Correspondents" Dinners. "In short, there's simply no reason for us to participate in something that casts our profession in a poor light."
Following Saturday night's controversial dinner, The Hill chairman James Finkelstein penned a letter to Steven Thomma, Executive Director of the White House Correspondents' Association explaining why.
Here's that letter:
My problem isn't with the "comedienne." She isn't funny. But of course she isn't funny. The WHCA knew she wasn't funny when they were hiring her. The Daily Show knew she wasn't funny when they hired her -- they hired and unfunny woman because otherwise Jezebel.com would write mean stories about them.
She isn't funny, but that's not her purpose. They were paying her to be nasty, to push their politics, to get vengeance on their critics, to get vengeance on half the country, and they wanted a woman doing the nasty stuff because of the Identity Politics rules that say women can't be criticized for the same behavior which is deemed pathological in men.
The media wants to lecture the nation about civility, yet it doesn't want to actually practice civility -- it wants to be, like 2 Live Crew, nasty as it wants to be.
It wants to be praised for being all about truth and accountability -- but they propagate lies and conspire to embargo stories that paint them in a poor light.
It wants to be hailed as the Slayer of Conspiracy Theories -- but when Hillary Clinton herself pushes the wackobird Democrat conspiracy theory that the election -- the ballot boxes themselves -- was hacked, Jake Tapper finds other things to tweet about.
Like -- The Veterans Jake Tapper's Fighting For (TM).
We have a bunch of sissies who want credit for having run a marathon without having to do all that four-months-of-intense-training bother.
They're vapid, vicious children looking lost in their Big Boy Clothes. They are fools and liars and the nastiest partisan operators of the Democrat Party.
They are not journalists, they are only propagandists, and they deserve as little respect as you'd give to propagandists.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:34 PM
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