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March 28, 2018
FoxNews: "Documents suggest possible coordination between CIA, FBI, Obama WH and Dem officials early in Trump-Russia probe: investigators"
All such straight-arrows they menaced the streets looking for gay arrows to bash.
[O]n August 25, 2016, Brennan went to Capitol Hill to brief Harry Reid -- and it was unclear whether FBI officials attended the briefing, a congressional source told Fox News.
Two days after the briefing, Reid penned a letter to Comey requesting an investigation into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
"The evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign continues to mount and has led Michael Morrell, the former Acting Central Intelligence Director, to call Trump an 'unwitting agent' of Russia and the Kremlin," Reid, a Nevada Democrat, wrote. "The prospect of a hostile government actively seeking to undermine our free and fair elections represents one of the gravest threats to our democracy since the Cold War and it is critical for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to use every resource available to investigate this matter thoroughly and in a timely fashion."
Reid added that "recent staff changes within the Trump campaign have made clear that the Trump campaign has employed a number of individuals with significant and disturbing ties to Russia and the Kremlin," urging Comey to make the investigation "public."
The New York Times first reported on Reid’s letter to Comey on Aug. 29, 2016.
The following day, Aug. 30, 2016, Page texted Strzok: "Here we go," sending a link to the Times report titled, "Harry Reid Cites Evidence of Russian Tampering in U.S. Vote and seeks FBI inquiry."
A friend told me he'd heard someone, maybe Brit Hume, make this point: He (I think, could have been someone else) said that McCabe was deliberately making himself a partisan lightning rod because being a partisan lightning rod would guarantee you an acquittal in any possible trial for lawbreaking. You'll always have 2-3 (at least) members of #TheResistance on the jury to nullify any verdict, just based on them sympathizing with you for being #DownWithTheCause.
It could be that Brennan, who's been pretty partisan, is likewise considering such a strategy.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:02 PM
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