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March 25, 2018
The Opposition Party-Commies
I wish that Mohammed al-Ellison Rep. Keith Ellison, (D-MN) would just come out and call for the elimination of capitalism. Since he is the DNC- Deputy Chairman it would set up a clear contrast for the mid-term elections this upcoming November.
It is just fine with him limiting wages of executives. He wants to see a Maximum Wage.
The deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee says he hopes to be a wage trailblazer and is calling for a "maximum wage" for CEOs.
Rep. Keith Ellison (Minn.) said on "Interviews for Resistance" that workplace leaders who make far more money than rank-and-file employees should be taxed more.
"Why do [CEOs] have to make more than 21 times your average worker? The CEO of McDonald's. You're telling me they can't make it on ... I don't know, if the workers are making $15 an hour ... Why can't the CEO make $300 an hour," Ellison asked.
Ellison wasn't content to show his complete ignorance on economics. He had to make a false statement about McDonalds.
There was little truth to anything Ellison said, a fact partially recognized by Truthout, which replaced Ellison's $9,000-an-hour figure with a closer to accurate $3,000-an-hour figure in the transcript it posted online. There is no mention on the page that Ellison used a different figure, even though the site chose to feature the edited quote on its page.
A Truthout "community liason" said the editorial team would "review the transcription discrepancy," but ultimately did not respond to questions on the decision to edit Ellison's quote without disclosing the change to readers.
Ellison's other evidence used to label McDonald's a "bad actor"—that it is "screwing over the environment" by "clear-cutting forests so they can graze more cattle"—also is not true.
Mighty Earth, a leading environmental nonprofit focused on deforestation, recently praised McDonald's for its "leadership" on the issue, pointing to 2015 commitments by the company to eliminate deforestation from its entire supply chain.
The GOP should be hammering away at the Democrats. Instead they continue to shoot themselves in the foot and let this avowed socialist get away with utter bullshit.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
02:00 PM
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