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March 23, 2018
In France, ISIS Gunman Killed After Supermarket "Siege"
Mais evidement.
THE suspected ISIS gunman who was gunned down after killing three in a terrifying supermarket siege , according to police.
The attacker, named by police as 26-year-old Redouane Lakdim, screamed "Vengeance for Syria!" before shooting at cops in Trebes, south-east of Toulouse.
Police union official Yves Lefebvre confirmed Lakdim, who demanded the release of Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam, was killed moments after French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed a terror attack.
Lakdim, of Moroccan origin, was known to the Directorate General of Homeland Security (DGSI), a police source told Le Parisien.
He is reported to have been "very active" on jihadi online forums and was jailed in 2016 on drug-related offences.
His neighbour described him as "calm and nice", adding that he would visit the local Mosque regularly.
You don't say.
From Le Parisienne: he was yet another known wolf.
This man of Moroccan origin was known by the French police and intelligence services.
The suspect of three attacks perpetrated this Friday in L'aude has been identified. He would be Redouanne Lakdim, a man of Moroccan origin previously jailed and very active on Salfaist internet sites. He is suspected of having first attacked the occupants of a car in Carcassonne (aude), killing the passenger and wounding the driver, then wounding a CRS by gunfire before taking refuge in a Super U [supermarket] in Trebes [France], where he was gunned down by police after having himself killed at least two people.
The man, 26, was being watched by the [DGSI], a source close to the case told The Parisien. Very active on the Salafist social networks, he had been incarcerated at Carcassonne in 2016, [for reasons we do not know.] However, Gerad Colomb said that was "known for the possession of narcotics and dealing." The Minister of the Interior added that "one couldn't say that he was known as a radical who would radicalize to actual action."
Further, he was suspected of having traveled in Syria, but that is not yet confirmed. Witnesses reported that at the moment of taking hostages, he had claimed membership in ISIS [Daech, they say] and screamed [get this] "Allah Akbar." According to the Minister of the Interior, he "demanded the liberation of Salah Abdeslam [the ringleader/logistician of the Bataclan slaughter]...."
The propaganda organ of ISIS had claimed responsibility for these attacks. "The man who led the attack at Trebes, in the south of France, is a soldier of ISIS, who acted in response to the call" of ISIS "to target the member countries of the coalition" united against ISIS, claimed the jihadists.
Another neighbor, who knew the family very well, described the boy [their word] as someone who was "calm," "nice" and always with a kind word.
The same person also said that the young man regularly visited the mosque.
This "small time dealer" according to Gerard Collomb, "acted alone."

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:02 PM
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