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March 21, 2018
Insurance Policy? Disgraced Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew "Andy's Office" McCabe Authorized Criminal Probe Into Jeff Sessions' Russia Contacts a Year Ago
McCabe for what Sessions called a "lack of candor," McCabe oversaw a federal criminal investigation into whether Sessions lacked candor when testifying before Congress about contacts with Russian operatives, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.
Democratic lawmakers have repeatedly accused Sessions of misleading them in congressional testimony and called on federal authorities to investigate, but McCabe's previously-unreported decision to actually put the attorney general in the crosshairs of an FBI probe was an exceptional move.
He'll now be putting out the word to his many, many, many, many, many, MANY media friends that his firing was Sessions' vengeance against him, a loyal and selfless civil servant who should be thanked for his service, for bravely investigating the AG because Al Franken wanted him to.
Not just many media friends -- but very helpful ones. Andrea Mitchell, a totally objective reporter who is definitely not a Democrat shill, encouraged Democrat congressmen to offer a job to Andrew McCabe so he could finish off his required federal work-days for early retirement benefits.
And, get this, many followed her advice.
NBC News' Andrea Mitchell isn't only the network's chief foreign affairs correspondent, she also serves as a volunteer guidance counselor to lawmakers and civil servants.
"One suggestion from a McCabe supporter: if a friendly member of Congress hired him for a week he could possibly qualify for pension benefits by extending his service the extra days," Mitchell tweeted.
A growing number of Democratic lawmakers have taken Mitchell's advice and offered temporary jobs to McCabe. Wisconsin Rep. Mark Pocan even thanked Mitchell live on MSNBC Monday afternoon.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:04 PM
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