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March 20, 2018
Another Bomb Discovered in Another FedEx Sorting Facility
A different sorting facility, but apparently this package was sent from the same Sunset Valley suburb FedEx store, but wound up at McKinley Falls Parkway sorting facility.
The suspicious package found at a FedEx ground facility at McKinney Falls Parkway, which authorities believe to be a bomb, was sent by the same person behind a bomb that exploded early Tuesday at a FedEx facility in Schertz, U.S. Rep Lloyd Doggett told the American-Statesman.
Right now they're attempting to detonate the bomb safely, which I guess I understand as far as safety goes, but wouldn't you love the investigative potential of an undetonated bomb?
Don't we have robots that can an attempt at a simple defusing? Not one of those complicated ones you see in Hollywood movies (which apparently only happen in Hollywood movies). But if it's simple matter of cutting the line from the battery to the ignition of the bomb, we don't have robots that can do that yet?
Trace Gallagher reports on FoxNews what commenters here pointed out -- that video cameras at that FedEx store may have caught the bomber on tape.
No positive word from police on that, though. I have to imagine if they had any kind of photograph, they would share it almost immediately. This isn't a keep-it-quiet-so-we-can-catch him situation; this is a get-a-million-eyes-looking-for-the-perp situation.
This guy is obviously very impatient and is now acting in a frenzied way, despite the dragnet out for him.
One could guess that he will once again change his method of attempting to deliver a bomb. Or maybe start trying to bomb other areas. He seems to have a keen interest in killing people in Austin, though.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:30 PM
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