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March 16, 2018
Report: Hillary Clinton Fractures Wrist After Slipping in Bathtub
Via PJ Media, this seems too perfect to be true, but she does seem accident-prone.
I'm pretty late to this story. But there is what I hope is an update for you.
Hillary Clinton's visit to India suffered another setback this week as the former secretary of state fractured her wrist after slipping in the bathtub at the five-star resort where she was staying, according to a report by DNA India.
The website reported that Clinton was taken to a hospital in the city of Jodphur at around 5 a.m. local time Wednesday. Clinton underwent an X-ray and a CT scan that confirmed a hairline fracture of her right wrist.
The Times of India reported that Clinton had been given a plaster bandage and advised to go for another checkup in three days.
I still wouldn't have believed this if not for a picture which does seem to show Hillary Clinton hiding her wrist under the sleeve of an unfortunate, voluminous garment.
The wrap, called a kurta, is called by this site "customized" to hide her wrist injury.
Hillary was seen in Jaipur on Thursday where she appeared to be adopting an out-of-sight and out-of-mind approach to her recent injury by wearing a kurta that had been customized to make one sleeve longer than other.
You need either the heart of a saint or a heart of stone not to laugh.