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Pro-Iran-Deal Tillerson Fired; Iran Hardliner Mike Pompeo to Lead State; CIA Careerist Gina Haspel Promoted to Head of CIA
Tillerson Aide Who Contradicted WH Timeline on Firing, Fired »
March 13, 2018
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
Do what we say and you don't get poo flung at you. But eventually, the poo flies, and then...out!
Trump fires Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, to be replaced by CIA Director Mike Pompeo
Anyone have any strong feelings about this? I sure don't. It is about time, since Tillerson rapidly morphed into a State Department apparatchik who fit in quite well with the anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Western bias of the deep state within State.
And for those who really don't give a shit about Tillerson, here's how to crap in space!
Space Potty
It's pretty obvious that
Israel isn't the epicenter of the violent storm that engulfs the Mideast, but it is in the best interests of many of the players to demonize Israel. That it is filled with evil shape-shifting Jooos is just icing on the cake. Dysfunctional Middle Eastern shitholes need a foil to deflect attention from their own failings.
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posted by CBD at
11:00 AM
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