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March 06, 2018
A History Lesson With the Very Educated, Sober-Minded, Not-At-All-Deranged Lunatic Bill Kristol
In case you weren't sure:
By the way, if Bill Kristol wants to move to the northeast and drum up a secessionist movement to break away and create a new state (which is what the Alamo was about), I promise I'll do my best to argue against stopping them.
Meanwhile, Conspiracy Theory Twitter has some breaking news:
One more stupid thing from Twitter:When you correct left-wing anti-gun lunatics and illiterates about the fact that the thing they're trying to ban either 1, doesn't exist or more likely 2, is not a special category of guns but is in fact all guns, and, therefore, they are not arguing for some "narrowly tailored targeted ban" but the banning of all or almost all guns, the brain trust at the Washington Post has decided that's a bad-faith form of argument now called "gunsplaining."
By the way, the guys who send me tips tell me the author of that piece, Adam Weinstein, is the same upright honest and highly competent reporter who, after Deadspin was exposed as having completely botched their "Cory Garnder never played football #FakeNews story, gloatingly tweeted, "Ah ha ha ha ha @Deadspin just killed the GOP's Senate hopes in Colorado ha ha ha ha."
Note that this asshole tweeted that after the story was revealed to be pure bullshit -- he still gloated that, even though it was #FakeNews, it would still tank Cory Gardner's campaign, and he was totally down with that.
So you can completely trust everything this guy says. Especially when he tells you that he's a long, long, long time gun enthusiast who just happens to believe that if his leftwing friends aren't really sure of what they're trying to ban, it's "bad-faith" arguing to correct them.