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March 05, 2018
The Anti-Gun Left's Fellow Travellers Emerge
An honest opposition would see Iran as the perfect example of the brilliance of the 2nd Amendment and the prescience of our founders. But they are not an honest opposition...they are statists and budding authoritarians, whose desire to disarm a free people has nothing to do with saving lives, and everything to do with the unfettered exercise of power over those who would disagree.
One wonders whether the recent protests in Iran would have been suppressed so ruthlessly and successfully had the Iranian people been armed.
Today is the 248th anniversary of The Boston Massacre. Five years later we began the greatest social experiment in history by throwing out the greatest military power of the day.
Today the progressive left would deny that opportunity to the rest of the world, and are industriously trying to destroy what the American people have created with the freedoms we fought for.