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March 02, 2018
The Morning Rant

"I stay up late at night and think about stuff like what would happen if progressives told social conservatives something like, Hey, we'll support federal legislation to outlaw abortion after 20 weeks if you guys support a comprehensive national ban on assault weapons. Come on, let's make a deal. How many votes do you think they'd be able to peel off from the right? How many socons are single issue voters who are only in the GOP because the Democrats drove them there?"(h/t Peggy Noonan)
Always Remember This:
I Wish This Guy Was My Next Door Neighbor:
Render Unto Trump:
Unfortunately, this is not "official" Israeli currency. It's just a commemorative coin put out by a private group. But don't tell your lefty friends that when you forward this item to them so you can watch their heads explode like one of Gallagher's watermelons.

You know, it could also mean that conservatives are civilized and liberals are unhygienic regressives who don't mind living in their own filth because they're too damned lazy to clean up after themselves.
Or maybe they're just French.

"Hiya (hic) cutiesh, wy-why doncha (hic) sit down here an' we'll hava li'l drinky drinky...(hic)"
Of All The Reasons For Morons To Vote For Stacey Dash In Her Upcoming Congressional Race, Two In Particular Stick Out:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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