EMT 02/10/18 »
February 09, 2018
Friday Night's ONT is Pretty Thin Gruel
Not much going on tonight. That's always a good excuse for posting a LIFEHACK!, eh?
New Gerber Baby is a Little Boy With Down Syndrome
What a cutie! And while this is long overdue, and a fantastic representation that Downs children are as valuable as anyone else, the fact that 95% of babies whose mothers get a test that says the baby might have Downs are aborted makes my blood boil. Many of us say “God bless America” and take it for granted that he does, but in the last 45 years we've slaughtered over 60 million of the only truly innocent people on the planet. That dwarfs Nazi Germany. Honestly, why should he?
Best and Brightest
Oh, Our Future is in GREAT Hands
Socialism Rocks!
Mad Max violence stalks Venezuela's lawless roads. How's that Socialism working out for you anyway?
I have a friend who legally immigrated here from Venezuela. A while back, she had a baby, and naturally her parents came to visit. Her mom, who is a baker by trade, spent the entire time feverishly making and selling cakes and pies because there's just no money worth anything there. If you read the link above, you'll see that “new tires (are) now going for about 70 million bolivars...more than two decades of work at the official minimum wage”. My friend's mom had to make what she could when she could, and greenbacks are as good as gold down there. Madness.
Corgis Called
When someone on AoSHQ says that they “called the corgis” for a new thread, I like to imagine that this is what happens:
All the Stereotypes!
Bizarre and Hilarious Photos That Sum Up All 50 States
Well, at least we're not Russia:
If you ever wondered what it would be like to drop acid at Disneyland, well, there you have it. Still, Russia can say: “At least we're not Europe”:
That's a “fashion” show from famous (? I guess?) designer Rick Owens. You can read all about how he thinks his show was “artistic choice” and “about women supporting women” (Narrator: “It was none of those things” ), but what it actually was was shit. Raw, unfiltered shit, scooped straight from the sewers beneath Paris. What it was not is “fashion” in any way, shape or form. People like this are mentally ill, and the disease is prosperity.
Made Ya Think!
Here is a very good essay that was linked in the comment section a while back, by a Moron (I don't remember who, sorry) who said it was written by his younger brother. Millennials. The author, himself a millennial, but also a veteran, talks about a lot of fundamental human concepts, the need for honor and shame in society and the poison that is modern millennial culture. It's a really, really, really good read, and I encourage you all to take the time to read it, and make your kids read it when they get old enough to understand. Seriously. Go read it, we'll still be here when you get back.
Related (and linked in the above essay): VIOLENCE IS GOLDEN
Well, the Winter Games are now going on, and the American women's curling team isn't doing so well. Perhaps this footage from one of their practace sessions will help an eagle-eyed reader spot the problem.
Fido Friday Responds to the Previous Post
Two Op-Eds
Jeff Sessions to Pain Sufferers: Take Two Aspirin and Stop Whining
The GOP Base Won’t Boycott Over Trump, Because Trump Isn’t The Problem
Tonight's ONT brought to you by basic training:
The Yahoo Group knows what to do with dead hobos, and supposes the principles are the same.

posted by WeirdDave at
09:51 PM
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