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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
January 25, 2018
The Morning Report 1/25/18
Good morning kids. Lots of ground to cover so let's dive right in. First up, on the immigration front, although it looks more and more likely that the Democrats are going to have to give in and fund the Border Wall (to whatever extent that funding may be), the President yesterday announced that he is open to some sort of path to citizenship for the so-called "DREAMers." The outline of his proposal is slated to be released on Monday. Before we start panicking about being sold out and it's the end of his presidency, let's actually just wait and see what the proposal is and more importantly the Democrat reaction to it. For me, that will be the tell. Perhaps even more of a tell will be the reaction of Lindsay Lo-Life/Grahamnesty/Grahamaphrodite (whatever nickname most appeals to you) and the Chamber of Commerce wing of the GOP. In any case we have freaked out several times before only to see that it was PDT outmaneuvering the Democrats and their Media handlers so I will assume that this is also the case here. Additionally, it looks as if despite the pressure and calls for their removal from all negotiations, the President is keeping Tom Cotton and Stephen Miller close at hand and that is a very good sign indeed.
Meanwhile, detestable lout Bill DeBolshevik and other key Democrat mayors backed out of a scheduled meeting with PDT to discuss infrastructure projects as a way to protest Super Secret Sleeper Agent Lemmon 714's (aka Jeff Sessionzzzz) threatening to subpoena so-called "sanctuary cities" for their flouting of Federal immigration laws and the impeding of Federal agents to execute their duties regarding same. Screw him. Yeah, a new Penn Station and rail tunnel under the Hudson would be nice, but so would a nation that resembles America and not a third world socialist shit-hole, so I'm happy to go without. At any rate there are several links and analyses of how this all shakes out politically and electorally both in the near and far term so check those out.
On to the Insurrection. The big stories here are that Sean "tick-tock" Hannity is reporting that all of the lost FBI text messages that would implicate not only Strzok and Page but perhaps much bigger fish have actually been recovered. Also as the likelihood increases that the bombshell FISA memo will be released to the public, the calls for it not to be as well as smokescreens, squirrels and fake-outs from the Democrats and their Media handlers increases apace. And, as you can see from the graphic, there are documents linking our hero Robert Mueller to an alleged coverup on the part of the FBI to shield a prominent Saudi family from their connection to the 9/11 Islamist terror attacks. Forget about the 2016 elections and this entire year and even the eight-year Obama reign of error. If this turns out to be true, it indicates that this Deep State shadow government has been working to subvert the truth and the rule of law for years, perhaps even decades. Wow. Just f***ing wow.
From hither and yon, Cecile Richards is hanging up her jack boots and butcher's apron, and ankling Planned Parenthood, most likely because the Feds are on her tail, Rand Paul has a good idea about what to do with the millions we send to Pakistan (hint, it involves them not getting any anymore) and from the comedy gold department, John Kerry is, get this, thinking about running for President in 2020. If we had an AG not suffering from sleeping sickness, Mr. Not-Very-Swift Boater might find himself indicted for violating the hosta Act (see yesterday's post by Ace).
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.