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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
January 17, 2018
The Morning Report 1/17/18
Good morning kids. Midweek has arrived and center stage is the debate on immigration and the future of our national identity as well as the disgusting and transparent diversion put up by the left in an attempt to disguise their policy of cultural destruction via open borders from being exposed for everyone to see. In that vein, we have a number of links that touch on what's at stake. Three of them lay out the evidence; a majority of the so-called DREAMer kids commit double the crimes as citizens their age, three fourths of those incarcerated on terrorism-related charges are foreign born and one of Obama's "ubermenschen" sacred visa lottery winners was asking ISIS for permission to kill him. An act of love, no doubt.
On the political front, Tom Cotton amongst others including, thankfully, President Trump are telling the Democrats to take their deal and shove it straight up their "s" holes. And the Democrats are still threatening a government shutdown over this, which plays directly into the President's hands. For the first time that I can recall, the blame will fall squarely on them for the shutdown, despite the expected Media-Propaganda wing of the party informing us otherwise. Just like they're telling us that the economy is in the tank and that Trump is in fact a racist.
That said, polls indicate that black Americans ain't buying the Trump is a racist lie. They are probably witnessing and experiencing an employment boom and, as I linked yesterday, it is scaring the living daylights out of the Left. They know that if they lose a percentage of that voting bloc, it would be disastrous for them. And that is one of the key reasons they want open borders; to import a mass of voters to replace they ones whom they have aborted, imprisoned or destroyed through their compassionate programs like the Great Society. Their political power depends upon poverty and disenfranchisement, whether naturally occurring or as evidenced by the past 50 years pre-manufactured. I think we are potentially on the cusp of a great black American awakening to this. And were that the case, there would be no stronger ally we can have in the sealing of our borders and the road back to the resurrection of our society, please G-d.
The boss had a post yesterday on the puerile, amateurish display of Cory Booker. It really did border on if not cross the line into straight-up abuse of DHS Secretary Kristjen Nielsen, who was poised, professional, confident and made Dick Les "Dicky" Durbin look like a fool, or that is to say, highlighted his foolishness. And what the hell is with Pat Leahy? His marble-mouthed muttering makes Thad Cochran come across as Lord Olivier. That said, every word pushed out between his halitosis-tinged dentures sounded like it was written out for him, and ages ago from the typical Democrat talking point play book. They have nothing. The Trump agenda, even without a real party behind him, is blowing them out of the water and the meme of mass immigration is good for the nation is being exploded. Keep f**king that chicken, Dems.
From hither and yon, Fake Flake's Stalin insult aimed at Trump blew up in his face, Pencil Neck Schiff can no longer hold back the full release of Fusion GPS's head's testimony, the DoJ is going straight to SCOTUS to appeal the lower court's power grab in ordering PDT to continue DACA and lastly a great essay about why the Left will always be with us. I've touched on this many times before but as the late Momma Sefton always said, it boils down to this: "Evil never rests."
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
UPDATE: Please keep commenter Northernlurker in your prayers. He has just informed us that his wife passed away as this thread posted. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to you and family.