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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
January 03, 2018
The Morning Report 1/3/18
Good morning kids. Midweek and day six of the mass protests in Iran. I don't think I would characterize them as an uprising just yet, but from all indications they are large, widespread (across 50 cities and towns by all reports) and of course bloody. The known death toll is up to 20 with perhaps scores injured and arrested. As the regime gets more desperate and more violent, the question becomes will that stamp out the protests or add fuel to the fire? The signals coming from the administration so far are unequivocal; the President and his team are denouncing the regime and supporting the Iranian people in the strongest possible terms. And the traitors and their stooges on the Left in this country are doing their best to stand with their fellow terrorists and tyrants in the Mullahocracy. From my perspective, we need to do whatever we can to assist the Iranian people in taking the regime down. It would be a game-changing and positive development in geo-politics for myriad reasons that we are all aware of. Prayers for the victims and hoping that this 39-year cancerous time bomb of a state can be consigned to the ash heap of history.
Meanwhile, mixed signals from the Mullahs' ally on the Korean peninsula. PDT hilariously retorted Whoa, Fat's! nuke button announcement as only he can. Also, in what is seen as a conciliatory gesture, the tubby tyrant has reopened the hotline with Seoul, ostensibly as a first step in talks about upcoming Olympic games. On the downside of the ledger, intelligence reports indicate that the Chi-Coms have been secretly propping up the NorKs with all sorts of aid while denouncing them in front of the world media. I'm shocked.
Back home, in news from the Insurrection, we have a potential bombshell; there are reports that GOP investigators have uncovered written proof that the FBI knew about Hillary's culpability/criminality with the e-mail server scandal and then, as we all know, covered it up and let her skate. Several other related links including the GOP laughing at Slim's Slimes' laughable attempt to once again spin Russian "collusion" and the importance or lack thereof of the "dossier" while maintaining Trump is literally Hitler, or something.
Speaking of lumps of coal, you'll be happy to learn that that "professor" from Dreck-Sell University who had a hard on for "white genocide" has been hired by New York University. Two links for this, the second being a very good essay from American Thinker.
From hither and yon, as bipedal turd Al Franken removes his disgusting carcass from the Senate, Michele Bachmann has signaled that she may be running for that vacated seat. Forgetting about her missteps and Tardisil during her 2012 presidential run, she's pretty solid, fairly conservative and a known commodity in Minnesota. Considering the razor-thin majority in the Senate as it is, she might actually have a chance for a pickup especially if the economy continues to boom and the Democrats continue to flail, Doug Jones notwithstanding. And concomitantly, it would be nice to see a concerted effort to oust Joe's Man-Chin in West Virginia, a state that will massively benefit from PDT's energy policy and the killing of the Democrat war on coal.
Lastly, I leave you with an upbeat essay, also from American Thinker about "The Left's 1942." Comparisons to wars are interesting, and sometimes there can be striking parallels. But we are in a very long war indeed. Generational shifts in cultural attitudes - and since at least the 1950s brought about by the hijacking of our academic institutions - will ebb and flow but there is an eternal battle between good and evil. And as Momma Sefton always said "evil never rests." And this is a story as old as human history and civilization itself; the will to power and the need to subjugate others. It's only in the past couple hundred years with the Scottish Enlightenment and of course the American Revolution that for the first time in history, saw the notion of freedom and personal liberty as the way people should live come to the fore. And then, as night follows day, Marx and all that came after.
So, yes, evil indeed never rests. But in the here and now, we're witnessing some remarkable events. Some frightening and some truly hopeful. Take heart, say your prayers and hang on.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.