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November 09, 2017

Randomly Generated ONT

Good evening everybody! Ahh, lets see. It's been a long, hard day. I've got a nice drink in my hand, slippers on my feet, a roaring fire in the fireplace and a nice reclining chair in front of it. Time to read a nice book.

Beethovens dead.jpg

Damn. That's hardcore. He truly was a once in a millennium talent.

Bill Nye the Science Lie

Bill did an AMA on Reddit recently. It does not seem to have gone well.

Nye the science lie.jpg

I bet he was expecting love and adoration. Heh. Good.

No Shit, Sherlock

Washington, D.C., Is Home to America's Largest Collection of Parasites

Props to the Baltimore City Police

Specifically Officer V, featured in this clip. Watch how he calms down a despondent man trying to commit suicide by cop until the man surrenders his weapon. An all around fine job by Officer V. Body cam footage at the link.

Body camera footage shows Baltimore police officer de-escalate standoff with armed man in crisis


Army Ranger gives Sarah Sanders his coat to keep her warm

Here's what I don't get about modern feminism. It seems to me, from my simple male perspective, that all of the antiquated requirements of male chivalric behavior put the woman in the superior position. Oh, sure there was a chauvinistic aspect, and certainly discrepancies between what men and women were allowed to do weren't fair, but the underlying attitude was one of deep appreciation. Men were supposed to protect women not just because they are physically weaker, but also because they were more valuable. Feminists love to quote Ephesians 5: 22-24 when they are trying to condemn Christianity as patriarchal and oppressive:

22Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 23For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 24Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Oddly, I have never, not once, heard a feminist quote the following verses, 25:

25Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

Christ died so that his church might live, and men are likewise charged with that duty towards their wives. Which sex has the “superior” position in that?

Living With Transformers

Musical Interlude

This is, to my mind, the finest fan tribute video ever made. Someone was passionate enough about Journey to make this way back when it wasn't nearly as easy to bang out videos as it is now, yet for all of their passion, their magnum opus is totally ignorant of the subject matter. The comments date this to 2001, but I seem to remember seeing it before that. No matter, you could try for 20 more years and never come up with anything half as wonderful as this.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Some photographs will defy the ravages of time and stand forever as iconic beyond their age. This past week the Antifa demonstrations provided one such image. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the raising of the flag over Emo Jima

Emo Jima.jpg

The Great White North

There are strange things done in the midnight sun,
By the men who wear no clothes.
The Arctic trails have their frozen vales,
that would make your ass damn cold.
The Northern lights have seen queer fights,
but the queerest they ever did see,
Was that time in the goop of county Luduc,
when nudists did kidnap, then flee.

Five naked suspects accused of kidnapping a family in Alberta

Tonight's ONT brought to you by plausibility:

The Yahoo Group swears that's oregano, man.

digg this
posted by WeirdDave at 09:59 PM

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