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November 09, 2017
Not a Story: Time Magazine Tries to Turn Piffle of a Non-Event Into Major #ImWithHer Victory Against Trump
Two nobodies you never heard of went on a date. The guy was a Young Republican, the woman, apparently, a liberal.
When the liberal woman found out the guy voted for Trump, she ended the date.
She was not a shrieking harridan about it. She said this:
"She stopped in her tracks and said,'‘You know what, Bryan? This has been a lot of fun, but I think we’re two completely different people,'" he said. "And she literally got up and left."
Eh, I think she probably did the right thing. If this is important to her, and if she therefore sees no future, why belabor it? She politely excused herself and left.
Now, maybe the guy would have continued the date, but then, guys don't just go on dates for long-term prospects. They are willing to entertain a date with no long-term prospects for a short-term prospect, if you're gettin' what I'm sayin'.
So... not a big deal. Not even a "deal." A blind date between two people you never heard of ended sooner than expected, but that doesn't make it a story. Most blind dates come to nothing; they just take too long to do so.
But Time Magazine is no longer in the news business -- they're in the cheap clicks and TV blogging business -- so this is their blaring announcement: