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October 26, 2017
Trey Gowdy Targeting James Comey in New Probe About Email Investigation
Please add in Uranium One and the FBI's involvement with the Steele dossier, and whether it endeavored to conceal from the judge who granted the wiretap the actual partisan source of that document, perhaps by laundering it through the FBI.
Good is good, but better is better.
Rep. Trey Gowdy plans to grill former FBI Director James Comey about his decision-making as part of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's decision to re-examine the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server.
"Have to, won't we?" the South Carolina Republican told the Washington Examiner when asked about interviewing Comey.
Gowdy chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which has opened a joint investigation with the Judiciary Committee in order to review the Justice Department's handling of the politically charged investigation. Gowdy is particularly concerned that "the decision to charge or not charge [Clinton] was made before all the witnesses were interviewed," but he emphasized that the investigation topics are structured in a nonpartisan way.
Unfortunately, this will be a private interview. Yes, that cuts down on grandstanding, but it also means that the public won't actually know what James Comey claims. We'll only know it through dubious leaks.
By the way, Trey Gowdy said last night he is interested in finding out if the FBI relied on a document that "looks like it was made by the National Enquirer:"