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October 26, 2017
The #SalonHot25 "Conservatives" Keep Showing How Super-Conservative and Not At All Progressive They Are
This tool was one of the "#SalonHot25" conservatives who's twitter feed Salon readers should follow.
He is known for two things:
* Writing an Amazon pamphlet called "The Death of Expertise" claiming non-experts should not have opinions on anything outside their field of expertise, and
* Having opinions on everything outside of his field of expertise.
He now is here to tell you that urbanites are just better than rural folk, because the former are "curious" about how other people live.
I pointed out to this smug c*nt that rural people don't have to try to learn about twee urbanites like himself, because, see, the Twee Urbanite Point of View is pushed out to the hinterlands via all the Movies, all the TV Shows, all the Pop Songs and Pop Diva Statements about #Feminism, all the News Media, all the Magazines, etc.
Gee, if only these voiceless urbanites had some kind of, I don't know what to term it, "means of communication" for lecturing everyone in the world about their folkways (have you seen the latest Premium Cable TV show we've all now seen?!), fashions (cupcakes!), fears (Trump!), and (Russia!) fantasies.
Tom, the all-purpose expert without portfolio, thinks that the problem is that the Chattering Classes aren't chattering about themselves enough.
When someone points this out to him, that the "learning" only needs to go in one direction because the Chattering Classes inflict on us their every trivial thought 24/7, here's how this "conservative Republican" responds:
The "conservative thought leader" class morphed into Little Green Footballs so quickly I did notice.
Make sure you definitely follow the #SalonHot25 -- they're just full of valuable information themselves.
Maybe we'll get another lecture about how all of the #SalonHot25 are really "broadly right" and Salon is really just doing a #FalseFlag operation to make you think this crew isn't worth reading at all when they totally are and stuff.