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October 24, 2017
The Morning Report 10/24/17
Good morning kids. Tuesday's child is cranky and irritable. But let's jump in, shall we? First up is the combination of Uranium 1 and the ongoing Deep State attempts to cover up the borderline treasonous crimes of both the Clintons and Obama. We are learning more and more that the entire enterprise was perhaps orchestrated by Obama and that the money aspect of it was merely the typical Clinton thievery. Meanwhile, the State Department is still stonewalling the release of thousands of Hillary's e-mails, many that wound up on Carlos Danger's computer, that would more than likely be the smoking gun to every disaster she was involved with and, of course, Uranium 1 which would more than likely directly prove Obama was a crook. And yet, Rexxon and Snoozy McSnoozerson.
Moving on, Rush was more than a bit disappointed at PDT's concession to the Left's narrative vis a vis tax reform.
It begins with a phony premise that all money is Washington's. The second premise is that Washington gets to decide who gets what based on Washington's definition of who needs what, and also based on Washington's definition of how they can most benefit by way of votes, by quote-unquote "giving" this money back. When in truth, what's really happening here is that the end result of the tax rate reduction is that people are "allowed" (there's that word again) to keep more of what they earn, because the money is theirs.
The money is theirs to begin with, and everybody who earns money should have the same right to the money they earn. You shouldn't have any right to somebody else's earnings, and nobody should have the right to some of yours. But that’s the way we structure policy now. In cutting taxes, we're gonna say that some people have a claim on the earnings of others, and other people do not have a claim on the earnings of others - and then, even worse, some people don't even have a claim on their own earnings!
The pure and clean way to do this is to do what you said during the campaign: Announce an across-the-board tax rate reduction to stimulate the economy, to allow people to keep more of what they earn because that's the just and moral thing to do. It's their money. And then you get out of the way for all the new money rolling into Washington, because doing all of that is going to create new jobs, because new businesses will form, existing businesses will expand and need new employees, which means additional taxpayers paying taxes.
I've said this many times but I think it bears repeating: PDT has got the ear of a vast swathe of this country, not just the base and his die-hard supporters but those who are formerly of the LIV set but are willing to open their ears for whatever reason (he's the president, he's a celebrity, whatever). He has the bully pulpit to explode the class envy/one-percenter myth and yet he doesn't. It is kind of disappointing.
Look, I hope the tax plan passes at least relatively intact because the repatriation of trillions as well as the lowering of the corporate tax rate will bring about an economic boom that could rival if not surpass what happened after the Reagan cuts took hold in 1983 - 25 straight years of prosperity that this country and the world had never witnessed before. Make it so.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.