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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
October 20, 2017
The Morning Report 10/20/17
Good morning kids. The weekend's here, and despite the classy and epic smack-down of Frederica "empty barrel" Wilson, the potentially huge story is the Uranium 1 scandal and coverup. Incredibly, it turns out that Bill Clinton lobbied his own wife who was the Secretary of State to meet with Russian nuclear officials at the time when Obama was about to approve the sale of 20% of our uranium supply to a key global rival/enemy. And almost on the same day when he was collecting a cool $500,000 fee for a speaking engagement. This is without doubt the biggest government scandal in United States history. That is, it would be if the media covered it and if Attorney General Snoozy McSnoozerson the crime dawg started handing down indictments. So here's the Russian collusion, Mr. Mueller (*spit*). Except your mission is now obvious for all the world to see: to cover up the collusion between the last administration and Russia by trumping up charges against the current president in order to sabotage him and overthrow the 2016 election.
And meanwhile, as we have an incredible jobs report that underscores the success PDT is having in spite of the GOP and others, two former presidents have now deigned to completely disgrace themselves in public fora. Obama I expect this from; he's a lowlife scoundrel. But George W. Bush, silent for most of the eight years he was blood-libeled and then another eight years when the previously mentioned bastard laid waste to every American institution he could get his filthy hands on, now opens his cake-hole to trash President Trump, thinly veiled as it was. Sir, I will not address how insulting this is, but I will merely point out that it is revelatory, about your character (or lack thereof) and about who and what you represent; a globalist vision that will have America on its knees and subservient to some other power. You're not a Marxist stooge like the jug-eared dog-eater; but you serve the same purpose. Please go away and take your entire family with you. And take the Clintons with you too. You've all done enough damage.
In other big news, the Senate has approved of a $4 trillion dollar budget plan which paves the way for a vote on tax reform perhaps by Christmas. Potentially huge if PDT's proposals stay as intact as possible. Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.